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...........Essential Oil...
Synergies / Combinations to consider
for all your Health and Aromatherapy needs
Also see our Remedies A-Z  pages which includes Aromatherapy
The conclusion of a Scientific Study on prayer and healing 
was that the group that had been prayed over, 
even they didn't know that they were being prayed for, 
improved so much more than the other group that they concluded - 
If there was any medication that could accomplish that much, 
people would line up around the world to buy it. 
Don't leave out God and prayer - the 2 most important ingredients. 
 click here - to view the studies.


These Aromatherapy Synergies/combinations are sold without any carrier oil or in 10 mil roller ball bottles with carrier oil for only $5 more than 5 ml. bottle prices, where available or the same price as the 15 ml. size where the 5 ml. price is not available.

How to use Essential Oils for Health and in Aromatherapy(link)
Quick Reference Guide for Emotions

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    • EO Combinations

Name -
All names marked with a  TM  or an are trademarks and the property of Young Living Essential Oils, Lehi, Utah. 
If you like these oils you will love our combinations which are similiar.

These aromatherapy combinations do not have any carrier oil - 
They are made with pure single species essential oils - 
You need to check with your health care provider before applying any of these combinations and use them with a carrier oil.  See recipes below table
3 in 1 Strep, bacteria, viruses, etc. - (Cloves, Lavender,  Tea Tree)
Alert - (Clarity TM) To help with mental alertness and memory retention, Oxygenate brain, low energy, shock   (Peppermint, Basil, Cardamon, Rosemary, Rosewood, Geranium, Lemon, Palmarosa, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Chamomile, Jasmine)
(White Angelica TM)
To help ward off the bombardment of negative energy.  Helps to increase the aura around the body. (Ylang ylang, Rose Otto, Angelica, Melissa, Sandalwood, Geranium, Spruce, Myrrh, Hyssop, Bergamot, Rosewood.)
Belief (Hope TM) To help give hope, grounding and strength to relieve depression. 
(Melissa, Spruce, Juniper, Chamomile, Myrrh.)
(Aroma Siez TM)
To help with spastic muscles, headaches 
(Lavender, Marjoram, Basil, Cypress)

Appetite Balance
Consider for: cleansing, refreshing, Activates lymph, increases circulation, cellulite, mood uplifting, stimulates adrenals.

Contains: Grapefruit, peppermint, geranium.

(Harmony TM)
To help with Spiritual and Emotional Harmony.  Helps overcome negative emotions.
(Spruce, Lavender, Rose Otto, Frankincense, Geranium, Sage, Hyssop, Angelica, Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, Orange, Rosewood, Lemon, Palmarosa, Bergamot, Chamomile, Jasmine)
(Exodus II TM)
Contains many biblical oils that are intended to expel disease and dead tissue.(Myrrh, Frankincense, Cinnamon Bark or Cassia, Spikenard, Hyssop, Calamus, Galbanum.)
(Gentle Baby TM)
Comforting, Relaxing, Soothing. Relieves stress (birthing), stretch marks, etc. - (Geranium, Rosewood, Palmarosa, Lavender, Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, Rose Otto, Lemon, Bergamot, Jasmine.)
Blue Aussie 
(Australian Blue TM)
Help uplift mind & heart, by calming & stabilizing them     
(Brain Power TM)
Helps clarify thoughts and support concentration.   
Carpal Tunnel Carpal tunnel, tennis elbow and other muscle and tendon problems - (Rosemary, Peppermint, Ginger, Ravensara, Sandalwood, Helichrysum.)
Help with Cellulite - (Grapefruit, Cypress, Lavender, Juniper, Basil)
Consider for: help with structural alignment,
  • relaxes and prepares the body
Citrus Blend 
(Citrus Fresh TM)

Helps kill odors, bacteria, molds, fungus, anaerobic bacteria, mildew, cigarette smoke and other odors, repel spiders, bees, hornets and wasps.  Good for first aid in sterilizing wounds and cuts. - (Citronella, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Tea Tree (melaleuca), Lavandin, Myrtle.)
(Di-Tone TM)
Indigestion, Stomach cramps, upset stomach, Gas, Heartburn. - (Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Anise, Fennel, Lemongrass, Patchouli.)
(En-r-gee TM)
Energy and Mental alertness. - (Rosemary, Juniper, Nutmeg, Fir, Black Pepper, Lemongrass, Clove.) 
Female Aide
(Dragon Time TM)
Helps with PMS other menstrual concerns.
Forgiveness To help with forgiving, forgetting and letting go. (Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, Melissa, Angelica, Helichrysum, Rose, Rosewood, Geranium, Lemon, Palmarosa, Ylang Ylang, Bergamot, Chamomile, Jasmine.)
(Abundance TM)
Helps enhance magnetic energies and helps create the law of attraction. - (Myrrh, Cinnamon Bark, Frankincense, Patchouli, Orange, Clove, Ginger, Spruce.)
Gathering Help bring the physical, emotional and spiritual thoughts and feelings together and focused into oneness with God.
(Galbanum, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Lavender, Cinnamon Bark, Rose Otto, Spruce, Geranium, Ylang Ylang.)
(Sacred Mountain TM)
It helps to create a feeling of empowerment, grounding and protection.  Antibacterial
Happy Memories
(Joy TM)
Helps bring back good memories, ie. Being loved, held, sharing, etc. - (Lemon, Mandarin, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Rose Otto, Rosewood, Geranium, Palmarosa, Chamomile, Jasmine.)
(Melrose TM)
Tissue regeneration, cuts, insect bites, cold sores, canker sores and candida.  Helps with infection & fungus. (Tea Tree (melaleuca), Niaouli (melaleuca quinquenervia), Rosemary, Clove.)
Here & Now
(Present Time TM)
Helps heighten the sense of being "in the moment” instead of past.

Hormone Balancer
(Mister TM)
Helps men with support for the male glandular system. Helps with stress by  promoting greater inner-body balance. Recommended for men over 30. Recommended for men over 30. It has also been used to eliminate hot flashes for women.
Contains: Sage, Fennel, Lavender, Myrtle, Yarrow.
Helps with obtaining forgiveness and a deeper spiritual awareness where healing can begin.
(Immupower TM)
Building, strengthening and protecting the body. - (Cistus, Frankincense, Hyssop, Ravensara, Mountain Savory, Oregano, Clove, Cumin, Blue Tansy.)
(Inner child TM)
Stimulate memory response and help reconnect with inner-self or your own identity.  Emotional balance. - (Orange, Tangerine, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Spruce, Sandalwood, Lemongrass, Neroli.)
Letting Go
(Release TM)
Release of memory trauma or negative emotions - release frustration. - (Ylang Ylang, Lavandin, Geranium, Sandalwood, Blue Tansy.)
(Juva Flex TM)
Stands for Liver, Gall Bladder, Digestion - detoxifies lymphatic system, helps when getting off of addictions.
- (Fennel, Geranium, Rosemary, Chamomile, Blue Tansy, Helichrysum.)
My-Graine self explanatory - (Basil, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint, Chamomile, Helichrysum.)
Nerve Damage Helps restore nerve damage which is also the cause of a majority of hearing loss.  (Use roller ball on back of ear) - (Helichrysum, Cypress, Geranium, Juniper, Peppermint)
No-Mo Pain
( Panaway)
Helps to reduce headaches, pain, swelling, bleeding and stimulate quicker healing, helps circulation. - (Wintergreen or Birch, Helichrysum, Clove, Peppermint.)
No Smoke
To help stop smoking - (Sandalwood, Orange, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Marjoram, Grapefruit.)
Pain - Anti-inflammatory
(Relieve it TM)
Relaxing - Helps to calm nerves and soothe muscles and joints after exercise.
(Sara TM)
Never use when alone - helps release negative emotions and memory of traumatic experiences such as sexual or ritual abuse. Use with Angelica or Angel - (Blue Tansy, Rose Otto, Lavender, Geranium, Orange, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang.)
Respiratory Congestion
Allergies, Colds, Bronchitis, Flu, Cold sores, Sinusitis, Sore throat, Mucus, Bone Spurs. (Eucalyptus (4 kinds), Myrtle, Marjoram, Pine, Cypress, Lavender, Spruce, Peppermint.)
Respiratory Problems
(Raven TM)
T.B., Pneumonia, upper respiratory problems, asthma, viral infections. - (Ravensara, Eucalyptus radiata, Peppermint, Wintergreen, Lemon.)
Scarring  To help with stretch marks, old and new scars etc. Rose Otto, & Helichrysum in Rose Hip Seed carrier oil - 
1 oz. $19.95 -  2 oz.  $28.95  -  4 oz. $54.95
(Acceptance TM)
Helps feelings of strength - confidence while soothing a troubled heart. Helps with greater openness while helping to make it easier to accept new ideas in life while reaching your highest potential. It also helps to overcome procrastination and denial.
Balances and aligns electrical energies, helps build courage, self esteem, calming, ADD & ADHD. - (Spruce, Rosewood, Blue Tansy, Frankincense) 
Strk To help with strokes caused by blood parasites, thick blood and blood clots.  A Hanna Kroeger formula (Sassafras, Wintergreen, Spruce.)
Systems Strengthener
(Aroma Life TM)
Strengthens and improves cardiovascular, lymphatic, & circulatory systems, high blood pressure. - (Cypress, Marjoram, Helichrysum, Ylang Ylang)
(Peace & Calming)
Reduce depression, anxiety, stress and tension - Hyperactive children - (Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Blue Tansy.)
(Sensation TM)
Refreshing and arousing - Skin problems and menopausal problems  (Rosewood, Ylang Ylang, Jasmine)
(Endo Flex TM)
Helps balance and support endocrine system, Refreshing and arousing - Skin problems and menopausal problems - (Spearmint, sage, Geranium, Myrtle, Nutmeg, Chamomile.)
Anti-viral, anti-septic, E-coli, Flu, Candida, Colds, Sore throats, Gum infection, Canker or Cold Sores - (Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiata, Rosemary.)

"The indicated trademarks above are the property of Young Living Essential Oils, Lehi, Utah."

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    • EO Combinations

Pure Essential Oils - 
No carrier oil unless stated
Possible Qualities
Alpine  Crisp, Cool, may relieve headiness & Congestion - Juniper, pine, peppermint, niaouli
Appetite Balance Inhalation - Grapefruit, peppermint, geranium
Beautiful Gardens Peaceful floral blend
Breathe Easy Clears, Purifies, Cleanses - Bergamot, tea tree, lemon
Clarity  Heightens Concentration & Mental Alertness - Rosemary, basil, petitgrain
Composure  Helps balance emotions, reduce anxiety - Geranium, ylang ylang, patchouli
Energize  Invigorating, stimulates physical & mental vigor - Rosemary, peppermint, grapefruit
Euphoria  Pleasurably intoxicating - Clary sage, rosewood, cedarwood, patchouli
Fern Creek Refreshing energizing tonic - Fir, bay, chamomile blue
Fleurs de Joie
Reminiscent of gardenia, jasmine, plumeria and rose.
Fresh Breeze  Enlivening respirant - Eucalyptus & citrus blend
Honeymoon  Romantic - Ylang ylang, vetiver, clary sage, patchouli
ImmuBoost   Enhances immune system function - Thyme, lavender, eucalyptus
ImmuBoost Extra Enhances immune system function - Thyme, lavender, eucalyptus, balsamea.
ImmuBoost Spice Enhances immune system function - Thyme, lavender, eucalyptus, Clove, Cinnamon, Rosemary.
Inspiration Spiritually uplifting - Frankincense, jasmine
Nite Cap  Relieve nighttime restlessness - Lavender, chamomile
Oasis Relieve stressful tension - Basil, lavender, clary sage
Ortho-Flex Original
Everyday aches, pains - Rosemary, juniper, lavender, eucalyptus
Ortho-Flex Extra

Energizing relief after sports, exercise - Peppermint, eucalyptus
Ortho-Flex Extra Massage Oil
Revitalizing and cool relief after sports or exercise. - Juniper, black pepper, cinnamon, rosemary, eucalyptus.  (in a penetrating carrier oil)
Ortho-Flex Spice  Penetrating relief for chronic pains - Ginger, black pepper, eucalyptus, juniper.
Ortho-Flex Spice Massage Oil
Penetrating relief from chronic aches & pains - Ginger, black pepper, cinnamon leaf, rosemary, eucalyptus & juniper  (in a penetrating carrier oil)
Pest-Away Effective for you & pets - Citronella, cedarwood, eucalyptus, peppermint
Pest-Away w/Catnip
Effective for you & pets - Citronella, cedarwood, eucalyptus, peppermint - Catnip is 10 times more effective than Deet. Link for more info.
Refresher  Fresh bracing tonic - Tangerine, peppermint, eucalyptus
Romance Sweet dreamy blend - Sandalwood, cedarwood, ylang ylang
Tranquil, reassuring, relaxing - Lavender, tangerine, marjoram
South Seas Stress relief, peaceful blend - Sandalwood, cedarwood, mandarin
Spice  Holiday blend - Fir, mandarin, clove
Sunrise Balancing refreshing, uplifting - Lemon, rosemary, lavender
Winter Silk Soft and sensual - Lavandin rosewood, patchouli 
The Spice Essential oils have an effect on the body, its functions and systems and the organs. Spice Essential oils are uplifting and stimulating, improving circulation and digestion. As a circulatory stimulant they reduce bruising. They detoxify organs and muscle tissues, and are antispasmodic and pain relieving. As a digestive stimulant, they aid in indigestion, nausea and constipation. Spice Oils are strong antiviral and antibacterial and have the ability to boost the immune system.
Black Pepper, Caraway, Cinnamon, Clove, Ginger, Juniper, Nutmeg.

Herb Essential Oils
work on the mind and induce deep relaxation. Uplifting and stimulating. They are excellent for stress related to mental and emotional trauma. Oils such as Marjoram, Melissa and Clary Sage are deeply sedating and act as a nerve tonic. Peppermint is warming in winter, and cooling in summer. Basil, Peppermint and Rosemary are strong cephalic stimulators. Rosemary, Sage and Thyme are excellent for hair growth, dandruff and other hair and scalp disorders.
Basil, Clary Sage, Fennel, Garlic, Hyssop, Marjoram, Melissa, Oregano, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme.

Flower Essential Oils work on the spirit and are relaxing, soothing and tranquillizing. Ideal for stress. Neroli and Chamomile (Roman) are ideal for teenagers battling to cope. These oils are also aphrodisiacs and ideal for imbalances related reproductive system.
Chamomile, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Rose, Ylang ylang.

Citrus Essential Oils are antiseptic and excellent for infections, which range from urinary tract to respiratory(colds, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.). Citrus oils are relaxing and relieve stress. Suitable for children and pregnant women. They are cleansing oils, detoxifying the body and reducing weight, while dealing with cellulite as well. They have a cleansing effect on the digestive system and its organs. Good for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. and blend well with tree oils for these conditions.
Bergamot, Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Orange, Tangerine.

Tree Essential  Oils
are high in antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral constituents so are ideal for fungal, viral and infection related conditions. Like athlete’s foot, candida, ringworm, etc. to respiratory infections such as the common cold, influenza and pneumonia. They are excellent in treating any infection involving other systems of the body e.g. cystitis or nephritis (the urinary system); meningitis or the nervous system; colitis or pancreatitis (the digestive system). They are good at getting stagnant things moving i.e. constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, mucolytic. Good for chronic and acute allergy related conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, hayfever, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, etc. They are mild pain relievers and blend well with spice oils which are pain relievers as well.
Cajeput, Camphor, Cassia, Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clove, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Niaouli, Petitgrain, Pine, Ravintsara, Ravintsara, Sandalwood, Tea Tree.

Gum Oils
Come from trees and therefore have the same properties as tree oils - antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral. They are cell rejuvenators and beneficial in the treatment of wrinkles for mature skins. Gum oils blend well with tree and citrus oils in the treatment of respiratory and skin infections or inflammation.
 Benzoin, Frankincense, Myrrh.

Grass Oils
They are insect repellent. These oils tone the skin. These oils blend well with citrus and flower oils to aid stretch marks. They are relaxing, soothing and toning. Citronella, Lemongrass, Palmarosa.

How to use Essential Oils for Health and Aromatherapy  (link)

Check with your Health Care Provider before applying any of these remedies. 
We believe that everyone's body is different, so, 
we each respond differently to various treatments. 
You need to study and learn what is best for your body.
This category will be constantly changing and added
to based upon new information and your input.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

More healing Aromatherapy combinations

Original recipes for the above combinations  (Some have changed)

1 part can represent 1 drop, 1 tsp. 1 oz, 1 cup etc.

Always mix in the order given for best results

 They should be used with a carrier oil.

Belief aromatherapy blend by Garden Essence
                      Oils may help when there may by negative thinking
                      and depressive thoughtsBelief Aromatherapy combination
         May help with depression and suicidal thoughts
                    (If you like Hope you'll love Anti-depression)
                2 parts - Melissa
                1 part - Ylang ylang
                1 part - Spruce
                1 part - Juniper
                3 parts - Chamomile, Roman
                2 parts - Myrrh

AntiSpasmodic aromatherapy blend by Garden
                      Essence Oils use for tension in spastic muscles,
                      calming, fatigue, stress, headachesAntispasmodic Aromatherapy combination
        Tension in spastic muscles, calming, fatigue, stress, headaches
                    (If you like Aroma Siez you'll love Antispasmodic)
                2 parts - Lavender
                1 part - Marjoram
                1 part - Basil
                1 part - Cypress


Alert aromatherapy blend by Garden Essence
                      Oils used for low energy, shock, get the brain
                      workingAlert - Memory Aromatherapy Combination
         Oxygenate brain, low energy, shock
                    (If you like Clarity you'll love Alertness)
                2 parts - Peppermint
                1 part - Basil
                1 part - Cardamon
                1 part - Rosemary

Balance aromatherapy blend by Garden Essence
                      Oils Emotional and spiritual helpBalance Aromatherapy Combination
        Open Chakras, Emotional & Spiritual help
                    (If you like Harmony you'll love Balance)
                2 parts - Neroli
                1 part - Spruce
                3 parts - Lavender
                1 part - Rose Otto
                1 part - Frankincense
                1 part - Geranium
                2 parts - Spikenard
                1 part - Sage
                1 part - Hyssop
                1 part - Angelica
                1 1/2 parts - Ylang Ylang
                1 part - Sandalwood
                1 part - Orange

Biblical Aromatherapy Combination
        Helps in eliminating Disease by cleansing and building lymph system
                    (If you like Exodus II  you'll love Bibical)
                3 parts - Myrrh
                2 parts - Frankincense
                1 part - Cinnamon Bark or 2 parts Cassia
                2 parts - Spikenard
                1 part - Hyssop
                    1 part - Calamus

Birth Aromatherapy Combination
        Skin Regeneration, pregnancy, expectant mothers, newborn babies, 
chapped skin, stretch marks, aftershave, enhances youthful appearance, 
soothing, relaxing.
                   (If you like Gentle Baby you'll love Birth)
                1 part - Ylang Ylang
                1 part - Rose Otto
                1 part - Geranium
                1 part - Palmarosa
                1 part - Chamomile, Roman


Bursitis Aromatherapy Combination
                Peppermint alone in a carrier oil works great

Carpal Tunnel/ Tendonitis/ Tennis Elbow Combination
                1 part - Rosemary
                1 part - Peppermint
                1 part - Eucalyptus, globulus\
                1 part - Ginger


Cellulite  Aromatherapy combination
               8 parts - Grapefruit
               5 parts - Cypress
               4 parts - Lavender
               3 parts -  Juniper
               3 parts - Basil

Cleansing Aromatherapy combination
         Kills odors, bacteria, molds, fungus, repels insect
and mice, neutralizes poison from insect bites, sterilizes
wounds and cuts.  Purifies.
                    (If you like Purification you'll love Cleansing)
                 1 part - Lavandin
                 1 part - Citronella
                 1 part - Lemongrass
                 1 part - Tea Tree oil (Melaleuca)


Digestion Aromatherapy Combination
   Morning sickness, belching, upset stomach, bloating, heartburn, stomach cramps.
                   (If you like Di-Tone you'll love Digestion)
                3 parts - Tarragon
                2 parts - Peppermint
                2 parts - Fennel
                1 part - Juniper
                1 part -  Lemongrass
                1 part - Patchouli

Diuretic Aromatherapy Combination
               2 parts - Spearmint
               2 parts - Geranium
               1 part - Sage
               1 part - Myrtle
               1 part - Nutmeg
               1/2 part - Chamomile, Blue
               1 part - Chamomile, Roman

 Earache - 1 drop Basil in carrier oil - 
apply in and around ear (not in ear canal.)

 Edema Aromatherapy combination -
                5 parts - Tangerine
                2 parts - Cypress
                1 part - Fennel

Emotional Balancing Aromatherapy combination
       Consider for Hyperactivity, ADD and ADHD, emotional
harmony, overcome negative emotions, physical and
emotional healing - Unblocks and balances the chakras.
                2 parts - Neroli
                1 part - Spruce
                3 parts - Lavender
                1 part - Rose Otto
                1 part - Frankincense
                1 part - Geranium
                2 parts - Spikenard
                1 part - Sage
                1 part - Hyssop
                1 part - Angelica
                1 1/2 parts - Ylang ylang
                1 part - Sandalwood
                1 part - Orange

Energy Aromatherapy combination
                    (If you like En-R-Gee you'll love Energy)
                3 parts - Lemongrass
                3 parts - Rosemary
                1 part - Nutmeg
                1 part - Clove
                2 parts - Fir
                1 part - Pepper
                1 part - Juniper


 Estrogen Aromatherapy combination -
               1 part - Sage
               1 part - Peppermint
               1 part - Myrtle
               2 parts - Clary Sage
               1 part - Lavender
               1 part - Fennel

Female/Male Aromatherapy combination
        PMS,  Prostate, Menstrual cramps
                    (If you like Dragon Time you'll love Female/Male)
                    3 parts - Fennel
                2 parts - Marjoram
                2 parts - Clary Sage
                2 parts - Jasmine
                2 parts - Lavender
                1 part - Sage

X-Fatigue  Aromatherapy combination - (Eliminate fatigue)
               3 parts - Lemongrass
               2 parts - Clove
               1 part - Nutmeg
               2 parts - Rosemary
               1 part - Fir
               1 part - Juniper
               1 part - Black Pepper

Feet  Aromatherapy combination - Each foot contains over 7,000 nerve endings, 107 ligaments, nineteen muscles and twenty-six bones (one fourth of all the bones in the body). For many people, feet are a low priority when it comes to the care and attention we give our bodies. Chamomile Calms sore, swollen feet. Ginger warms feet that feel chronically cold.  Rosemary Deodorizing and relieves soreness.
               2 parts - Chamomile, blue
               1 part - Rosemary
               2 parts - Ginger

Forgiveness Aromatherapy combination
                1 part - Rose
                2 parts - Lavender
                2 parts - Frankincense
                2 parts - Helichrysum
                1 part - Melissa
                1 part - Sandalwood
                1 part - Angelica


Gain Aromatherapy combination - important things in life flow via the magnetic force 
Of which Health is only one
                    (If you like Abundance you'll love Gain)
                1 1/2 parts - Orange
                1 part - Cinnamon leaf
                1 part - Clove
                1 part - Frankincense
                2 parts - Patchouli
                1 part - Myrrh
                1 part - Spruce


Happy Memories Aromatherapy synergy
         May Help bring back needed feelings from the past of being loved for those who have shut down to love, either of self or others. 
                    (If you like Joy you'll love Happy Memories)
              1 part - Geranium
              1 part - Lemon
              1 parts - Ylang Ylang
              2 parts - Bergamot
              2 parts - Rose
              1 part - Mandarin


          (If you like Melrose you'll love Healing)
          1 part - Clove
            1 part - Rosemary
          1 part - Niaouli
          1 part - Tea Tree  (Melaleuca)


Here & Now 
          1 part - Spruce
          1 part - Neroli
          1 part - Ylang Ylang

Hormone Balancer Aromatherapy combination
         Balance male energy, prostate function, hot flashes for women.
                    (If you like Mister you'll love Hormone Balancer)
                1 part - Peppermint
                    2 parts - Sage
                2 parts - Lavender
                1 part - Fennel
                    1 part - Clary Sage
                1 part - Myrtle

Immune Aromatherapy combination
                    (If you like Immupower you'll love Immune)
                3 parts - Ravintsara
                2 parts - Hyssop
                2 parts - Clove
                3 parts - Cistus
                2 parts - Frankincense
                2 parts - Tansy
                2 parts - Oregano
We have Savory and Black Cumin that you can add to the recipe, however, everytime we have checked it out it appears that they are not necessary. 

Letting Go - Emotionally Aromatherapy combination
       Helps with negative thought patterns and memory trauma
                    (If you like Release you'll love Letting Go)
                2 parts - Juniper
                1 part - Ylang Ylang
                2 parts - Sandalwood
                1 part - Lavender
                2 parts - Geranium

Liver/Gallbladder/Digestion Aromatherapy combination
         Helps in Detoxifing especially good  for addictions/anger.
                    (If you like Juva Flex you'll love Liver/Gallbladder/Digestion)
                1 part - Helichrysum
                1 part - Chamomile - 2 or 3 types
         (Combine Chamomile's before putting into formula) 
                1 part - Fennel
                1 part - Carrot seed
                1 part - Geranium
                1 part - Rosemary


My-Graine Aromatherapy combination
         Migraine's, stress headache, nausea and depression
                    (If you like M-Grain you'll love My-Graine)
                1 part - Marjoram
                1 part - Chamomile
                2 parts - Lavender
                1 part - Peppermint
                1 part - Helichrysum
                2 parts - Basil


Nerve Damage - Restore
                5 parts - Helichrysum
                3 parts - Cypress
                8 parts - Geranium
                2 parts - Juniper
                1 part - Peppermint


No-Mo Pain Aromatherapy combination
         Helps by getting oxygen to the cells, bone pain,
arthritis, rheumatism, circulation, muscle spasms, sprains, etc.
                   (If you like Panaway you'll love No-Mo Pain)
                1 part - Peppermint
                1 part - Birch
                1 part - Clove
                2 parts - Helichrysum

Pain/Anti-inflammatory Aromatherapy Combination
         Helps in relief of deep tissue pain, anti-inflammatory,
                 sciatica, arthritic pain.
                   (If you like Relieve it you'll love Pain/Anti-inflammatory)
                1 part  - Spruce
                1 part - Juniper
                1 part - Hyssop
                1 1/2 part - Helichrysum
                1 part - Black Pepper
                1 part - Peppermint

Release of Negative Emotions, Memory, etc.
                   (If you like Sara you'll love Release)
          2 parts Cedarwood
          1 part Geranium
          1/2 part Rose
          1 part Lavender
          2 parts Orange
          1 part Ylang Ylang
(Always end with Angelica


Respiratory Sinus Relief
         Allergies, Bone Spurs, Bronchitis, Colds, Cold Sores, Flu, Mucus, 
Pneumonia, Sinusitis, Sore Throat.  Often used trading off with the next
formula - This one is not as good against viral infections.
                   (If you like RC you'll love Respiratory Congestion)
                   1 part - Myrtle
                1 part - Cypress
                2 parts - equal parts Eucalyptus globulus & Eucalyptus citriodora
                1 part - Spruce
                1 part - Marjoram
                1 part - Peppermint
                1 part - Pine


Respiratory Rescue and Viral Infections
         Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis
                   (If you like Raven you'll love Respiratory)
                    2 parts - Ravintsara
                1 part - Lemon
                1 part - Birch
                1 part - Peppermint
                1 part -  Eucalyptus globulus


Scarring - 1 oz of Rosehip Seed Oil with 1 drop of Rose Otto Essential Oil and 2 drops of Helichrysum.  Rub into the scar (good for old or new scars)  See prices above 

Security Aromatherapy Combination -
     Helps Stop Procrastination and Denial and increase confidence in self.
                   (If you like Acceptance you'll love Security)
                1 part - Neroli
                1 part - Chamomile, blue
                2 parts - Sage
                3 parts - Ylang Ylang
                2 parts - Frankincense
                2 parts - Geranium
                1 part - Sandalwood
                2 parts - Melissa
                2 parts - Rose

Sexual Desire (loss of)
           Birch  - 1 drop (therapeutic quality)  mixed in 1 Tbsp. carrier oil 
                   (sesame, wheat germ oil, olive oil, etc.) 
                  Apply to vaginal area.  (Creates stimulation) 
            1 part Jasmine
          2 parts Clary Sage
          1 part Ylang Ylang
       These 3 oils can be added to wheat germ oil - 1 drop per tsp.
       Apply to reflexology points, smelled, etc. 
     Keep in mind that when your body has a problem, the first thing it shuts down is the sex hormonal system because it can live without sex.  It cannot live without your heart, lungs etc. functioning.  You need to feed your body the proper nutrients to get it back into a healthy state. 

Smoking, Stop
               1 part Sandalwood 
               1 part Orange
               1 part Chamomile
               1 part Eucalyptus
               2 parts Fennel
               2 parts Marjoram
               3 parts Grapefruit


Strength Aromatherapy combination
       Helps give strength in the Physical & Spiritual planes.
        Balances and aligns electrical energies in body.
         ADD, spinal pain, helps align spinal column
            (Especially useful on bottom of feet)
                   (If you like Valor you'll love Strength)
                1 part - Frankincense
                1 part - Spruce
                1 part - Ravintsara

Systems Strengthener Aromatherapy combination
       Cardiovascular, lymphatic & circulatory systems,
                high blood pressure, hemorrhoids.
                   (If you like Aroma Life you'll love Systems Strengthener)
                   3 parts - Helichrysum
                2 parts - Cypress
                2 parts - Ylang Ylang
                1 part - Marjoram

3 in 1  Aromatherapy Combination
    Antiseptic, fungus, viruses, bacteria, molds, mildew, streptococcus.
                1 part Tea Tree (Melaleuca)
                1 part Clove
                1 part Lavender

Tranquility  Aromatherapy Combination 
          Hyperactivity, Stress, Depression, Insomnia, Hypertension, Tension
                    (If you like Peace & Calming you'll love Tranquility)
                1 part - Orange
                1 part - Tangerine
                1 part - Geranium
                2 parts - Patchouli
                1 part - Ylang Ylang


Uplifting, Refreshing, Menopause
                   (If you like Sensation you'll love Uplifting)
          1 part - Ylang Ylang
          1 part - Jasmine
          1 part - Rose
          2 parts - Clary Sage


Vitality Aromatherapy Combination
       Endocrine system, Hormonal balance by supporting Pineal, Pituitary, Parathyroid, Thymus, Thyroid & Adrenal gland.  Alleviate hot flashes, may stimulate weight loss.
                   (If you like Endo flex you'll love Vitality)
                2 parts - Sage
                2 parts - 1 part each of Roman & Blue Chamomile
                3 parts - Geranium
                1 part - Nutmeg
                2 parts - Myrtle
                1 part - Spearmint

X-Plague - Viral Aromatherapy combination 
     Colds, pneumonia, flu, candida, canker sores, cuts,
          bronchitis, sugar headache, anti-plague etc.
                   (If you like Thieves you'll love  X-Plague)
                2 parts - Clove
                1 part - Rosemary
                2 parts - Eucalyptus, globulus
                2 parts - Cinnamon leaf or 1/2 part Cinnamon bark
                1 part - Eucalyptus, radiata
                2 parts - Lemon
                1/2 part - Ginger
                1/2 part - Nutmeg
                1/2 part - Oregano
                1/2 part - Thyme
                1 part - Citrus (Grapefruit, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Orange, or Tangerine.)

Celebrating Lavender
We have added some more recipes for you to try! Have fun!

Chest and Sinus Congestion:
2 drops lavender
2 drops tea tree
2 drops eucalyptus
2 drops birch
Pour boiling water in a mug while still steaming add 2 drops lavender,  2 drops tea tree, 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops birch. Cup hands and slowly inhale for at least 3 minutes.

2 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
2 drops eucalyptus
Add 2 drops lavender, 2 drops rosemary and 2 drops eucalyptus to 2 teaspoons milk or cream. Pour into a warm bath, stir water and soak or pour boilng water into a mug while still steaming then add 2 drops lavender, 2 drops rosemary and 2 drops eucalyptus. Cup hands and slowly inhale for at least 3 minutes.

To Ease Sinuses:
2 drops peppermint
2 drops tea tree
2 drops eucalyptus
*2 drops ravintsara
Pour boiling water in a mug while still steaming add, 2 drops peppermint, 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops tea tree. Cup hands and slowly inhale for at least 3 minutes.
* Note eucalyptus can be drying, you could replace it with 2 drops ravintsara.

To Ease Coughs:
2 drops eucalyptus
2 drops lavender
Pour boiling water in a mug while still steaming add, 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops lavender. Cup hands and slowly inhale for at least 3 minutes.

To Ease Coughs throughout the day:
2 drops eucalyptus
2 drops lavender
Add 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops lavender to 4 teaspoons of olive oil and apply to the throat and chest (this will make enough for several applications). Or add 2 drops of X-Plague Blend to 2 teaspoons of olive oil and apply to throat and chest.

To Combat colds and flu - daytime:
2 drops eucalyptus
2 drops lavender
2 drops peppermint
2 drops tea tree
Add 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops peppermint and 2 drops tea tree to a steaming mug of water - let stand so that the steam diffuses into the room.

To Combat colds and flu - nighttime:
2 drops lavender
2 drops tea tree
Add 2 drops lavender and 2 drops tea tree to a steaming mug of water - let stand so that the steam diffuses into the room (or add same essential oils to a tea candle diffuser).

Aromatherapy Recipes for Aches and Pains

Muscle Pain:
2 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
Add 2 drops lavender and 2 drops rosemary oil to 4 teaspoons of olive oil as a base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Use for a gentle body massage.

2 drops lavender
Massage 2 drops undiluted lavender into the temples and the base of the skull.

Pre- Sports Rub:
2 drops rosemary
1 drop lavender
1 drop eucalyptus
First, blend all the essential oils together, and then add to 4 teaspoons of olive oil as a base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Stir gently to mix and apply to the body prior to exercise.

Post- Sports Rub:
2 drops lavender
1 drop juniper
1 drop rosemary
Mix the essential oils together, then add to 4 teaspoons of olive oil as a base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Stir gently to mix and apply to body.

Relaxing Aromatherapy Blends:

Relaxation Massage Oil:
4 drops lavender
1 drop petitgrain
1 drop frankincense
Add the above essential oil to 6 tsp of olive oil. Add to a warm bath or use for a relaxing massage blend.

To Calm Nerves and Promote Sleep:
4 drops lavender
Add 4 drops lavender to a teaspoon of milk or cream. Pour into a warm bath, stir bathwater and soak.
Add 4 drops lavender to 4 teaspoons of olive oil as a base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Or add the 4 drops lavender to a steaming mug of hot water and let diffuse into your room.

3 drop lavender
1 drops clary sage
Mix 3 drops lavender and 1 drop clary sage with a teaspoon of milk or cream. Add to a warm bath & soak.

Stress-Soothing Massage Oil:
2 drops lavender
1 drop ylang ylang
2 drops petitgrain
Add 2 drops lavender, 1 drop ylang ylang and 2 drops petitgrain to 5 teaspoons of olive oil as a base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Stir gently to mix and massage into body.

Uplifting Aromatherapy Recipes:

Uplifting Personal Blend for Daytime Use:
2 drops geranium
2 drops bergamot
Add 2 drops geranium, 2 drops bergamot to 6 teaspoons of olive oil as a base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Wear as a fragrance, use for a gentle massage or inhale directly from the bottle.

Uplifting Personal Blend for Nighttime Use:
2 drops bergamot
2 drops ylang ylang
Add 2 drops bergamot and 2 drops ylang ylang to 6 teaspoons of olive oil as a base (or any plain base/carrier oil). Wear as a fragrance, use as a massage blend or inhale directly from the bottle.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease 
For more information about our aromatherapy combinations E-mail us. 

Chakra Oil Blending Guide for Aromatherapy

20 to 30 drops of Essential Oil to 1/2 oz. (15 ml.) of jojoba oil. (carrier oil)
There are various schools of thought on which oils are best with which chakra.
Don't limit yourself to these oils.
Remember that everybody's body and Spirit are different.

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Deet vs. Catnip essential oil. 
How & where to use essential oils.
Diabetes - New Approaches To An Old and Growing Problem
How to recognize when someone is having a stroke
Importance of Hormones in our Body and their effect on our system
Compulsory Vaccination
Morgellon's Disease  nightmare disease
Aromatherapy, Myth, Magic, or Medicine
Are Secret Vaccinations Killing Soldiers?
A Quick Reference guide using Essential Oils for Emotions
Belly Diminishing Foods
Symptom of Blocked Chakra Emotion and some physical manifestations
Essential Oils have a Frequency

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