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. Remedies - T - Z
Taken from the Various Disciplines in the
World of Natural Medicine
Check with your Health Care Provider before applying any of these remedies.
We believe that everyone's body is different, so,
we each respond differently to various treatments.
You need to study and learn what is best for your body.
This category will be constantly changing and added
to based upon new information and your input.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
The conclusion of a Scientific Study on prayer and healing
was that the group that had been prayed over,
even they didn't know that they were being prayed for,
improved so much more than the other group that they concluded -
If there was any medication that could accomplish that much,
people would line up around the world to buy it.
Don't leave out God and prayer - the 2 most important ingredients.
click here - to view the studies.


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Tachycardia Tachycardia, or elevated heart rate, is a type of arrhythmia, or a disorder of heart rate or rhythm - Essential oils -  Lavender, Orange,  I put one drop on my wrists & one drop on the pulse points on my neck & one drop over my heart. It works instantly! Rosemary, Ylang Ylang - even in the minutest amounts, Rosemary, or ylang ylang has a marked and immediate effect on my heart palpitations.
Essential Oil Combinations No Mo Pain, Pain/anti-inflammatory,

Mistletoe relieves the increase in blood pressure which aggravates the symptoms of  tachycardia.

Hawthorn berries  #2 link,  Hawthorn Berries can help in treatment of high or low blood pressure, tachycardia, and arrhythmia.  It is also anti-spasmodic, sedative, and soothing to nerves. Link to more information.
Cordyceps, an herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine, may help slow heart rate. Other herbs that may be beneficial for treating or regulating heart arrhythmias include oat straw, passionflower, wood betony, black cohosh, skullcap and valerian root.
Talkative - Essential oil - Cypress (over-talkative) We’re here to listen to one another.
Consider - The Throat Chakra -
Location: Center of neck/throat area Properties: Self expression, Communication
The Throat chakra effects our ability to express our emotions, thoughts, opinions as well as our ability to listen to what others are expressing. When off balance you may have poor communication skills, afraid to express yourself, uncontrolled verbal outbursts, unable to listen or can be one of the two extremes: shy or over talkative
Essential Oils: Chamomile, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme
Tapeworm -   Pomegranate   was used to eradicate tapeworms in ancient Egypt.  (Fresh or juice is best) An adult tapeworm consists of a head, neck and chain of segments called proglottids. When you have an intestinal tapeworm infection, the tapeworm head adheres to the intestine wall, and the proglottids grow and produce eggs. Adult tapeworms can live for up to 20 years in a host. Intestinal tapeworm infections are usually mild, but invasive larval infections can cause serious complications.
Sometimes tapeworms cause signs and symptoms such as:
  • Nausea
  • Weakness
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Hunger or loss of appetite
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Vitamins and mineral deficiencies

If tapeworm larvae have migrated out of your intestines and formed cysts in other tissues, they can eventually cause organ and tissue damage, resulting in:
Cystic masses or lumps
Allergic reactions to the larvae
Bacterial infections
Neurological symptoms, including seizures
Extra-virgin coconut oil is loaded with medium chain triglycerides that enhance the immune system in its battle against pathogens. Raw garlic and onions provide sulfur containing amino acids that are anti-parasitic. Eat six tablespoons of raw, extra virgin coconut oil, one whole clove of garlic, and one large red onion daily to help parasite proof your body.
Oregano essential oil is extremely antimicrobial and anti-parasitic. Use 2-3 drops of oregano oil in a carrier oil, like olive oil rubbed on  the bottom of the feet. Clove bud essential oil works just as well so you could also substitute or use clove essential oil with oregano essential oil.
Peppermint essential oil in olive oil or your favorite carrier oil, rubbed down the spine, and backs of legs lastly on the bottom of the feet. Very effective.

Ginger, wormwood, black walnut are also commonly used in anti-parasitic strategies.

Pumpkin seeds - How to remove tape worm has long been answered by herbalists by using crushed pumpkin seeds in juice.
Garlic - Ingestion of raw garlic or using garlic in standard diet if tapeworm infection is suspected can serve as a home remedy for this type of intestinal infestation. It is sometimes easier to consider garlic capsules to ensure a large amount of this spice works into the system.
Wormseed - This is a natural cure to get rid of tapeworms that has long been used. It is often considered best to use wormseed tea to ferret out the parasites.
Peppermint - Drinking this on a routine basis when infection is suspected can work as a natural cure for tapeworm.

Hanna Kroeger's Rascal

Taste - Essential oils -  Helichrysum, Peppermint
 Excessive - B2  

  Not enough - B1

Teeth - also see Dental Infection All these are just temporary solutions until you can get to a Dentist 

 Cavities Essential Oil combinations -  Healing3 in 1 

According to the insights of Dr. Edward Mellanby, Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Ramiel Nagel there are 4 main things that contribute to tooth decay:
Lack of minerals in the diet (calcium, magnesium and phosphorus)
Lack of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) (especially D)
Too much consumption of Phytic Acid rich foods
Too much consumption of processed sugar
Phytic acid (phytate) is a mineral blocker and enzyme inhibitor found in grains, nuts, seeds and beans which can serious health problems in our diets. The main reason phytic acid has become an issue today is because we have stopped ancient food preparation techniques such as sprouting or sourdough fermentation which kills off the phytic acid. According to research published in the The Lancet a diet high in phytic acid will create mineral deficiencies and cause osteoporosis

Brush with one drop of Tea Tree on your tooth brush and your usual tooth paste - it cleans up your mouth and cavity causing bacteria it has anti-septic properties. It kills bad stuff.

The link between vitamin C deficiency and gum disease is well known. 180 mg. Vitamin C is believed to help gum disease because it is an antioxidant and is needed to repair connective tissue and accelerate bone regeneration.

Vitamin D has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects and may reduce susceptibility to gum disease.

 Dr. Christopher's - Herbal Tooth Powder

 Dr. Christopher's Calcium formula's   Herbal Calcium, Kid-e-calc
Western Botanical's Herbal Tooth pwd  

 Tooth Decay Boil 1 cup of chopped mulberry bark or small twigs in 1 quart concord grape juice 1/2 hour.  Take 1 tbsp 6 times daily.  (Hold in mouth for short time then swallow.)
Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe

5 tablespoons Calcium Powder or Calcium Magnesium Powder
3 tablespoons Xylitol Powder or Stevia Sweetener – this just keeps it from tasting bitter
4 tablespoons Coconut Oil
1 tablespoon Baking Soda
2 tablespoons Bentonite Clay
2 tablespoons Distilled Water
40+ drops of Essential Oils, such as peppermint, cinnamon, or whatever you want it to taste like!
20-30 drops Trace Minerals, optional
Mix all of this in a mini-food processor – except for the bentonite clay! Once this is nice and smooth, slowly mix in the clay by hand with a plastic utensil.
Bentonite is a special clay that absorbs poisons and hard metals in your body. This is great for your mouth, but do not mix with a metal spoon. You can also make this without the clay!
Store the mixture in a squeeze tube. The mixture should be a good consistency at room temperature, but it will be thicker in cold and thinner in hot. This is because of the coconut oil. You can make it runnier by adding water and thicker by adding more calcium

Gum Surgery - Essential oils - Helichrysum, Valerian  Tea Tree
     (Helichrysum stops bleeding and reduces pain and swelling.)
 Sip tea of Lobelia & Valerian with some honey (lobelia relaxes the muscles, 
                  valerian relaxes the nerves) 

 After extraction place wet/damp black tea bag on bleeding area to stop bleeding. 

Teething - Always dilute oils in a carrier oil (like fractionated coconut oil or olive oil) before using it on your baby. Apply Lavender on the infant’s feet and then Tea Tree or Lavender on the gum. Other resources suggested applying Tea TreeFir, Myrrh, Clove (with fractionated coconut oil). If you choose to go with Clove, be careful not to get any on the lips or tongue as it is extremely strong for an infant.

Clove and Lavender have saved our little guy from so much pain when his teeth are coming in. Lavender is a very calming oil and helps reduce the pain and promote calming. The clove is very good at numbing the gums. I have pre-mixed a solution of clove and fractionated coconut oil in a small oil vial so that it’s always available when I need it.

Hyland's Teething Gel or Tablets 
Dr. Christopher's  Kid-e-Col

Toothache- Essential oils -Cajeput, Chamomile, Clove  - Essential Oil Combination - Cleansing

  Put whole cloves  on tooth and crush with teeth or  Clove essential oil on tooth 

 Black tea bag soaked in hot water and applied to cheek or Pepper and Mustard on wet cloth.

 Hold Hyssop between tooth and gum overnight  Hyssop Essential Oil

ToothPaste - Dr. Christopher's Herbal Tooth Powder This is also good for loose teeth or you can hold apple cider vinegar or sage boiled in honey in your mouth and then spit it out several times a day.  You can also drink 3 cups parsley tea daily. 

  For mouthwash or water pick add to water - Essential oil - Tea Tree, Oregano  or   X-Plague
or Peroxide (1/2 tsp to 1 cup of water or more and then make sure you rinse well after treatment)

Temperature - See Fever or Thyroid (below)

To lower a fever without drugs, put pure peppermint essential oil (adults) or diluted peppermint essential oil (babies and children) on the bottom of the feet and back of the neck.

Take a bath. If you want some relief and a treatment for your fever, go relax in a tub full of cool water. The water will help to cool the skin and will evaporate as you soak, cooling you further.

Sponge down. If a bath doesn’t sound too appealing, use a moist towel instead. Soak small towels in cool water and dab them over your body. Again, you will benefit from the further cooling by evaporation. Leave a cloth on your forehead to soothe any discomfort caused by the fever.

Stay hydrated. Along with rest, your body needs plenty of liquids to fight the illness in your body, especially if you are fasting. Drink water frequently throughout the day, supplementing with clear broth and juice, if desired.

The herbs in your cupboards and garden aren’t just good for cooking, some also help reduce a fever. Favorites for fever reduction include pleuisy root, peppermint, lemon peel, lemon verbena, lemon balm, eyebright, Echinacea, purpurea leaf, feverfew, stevia leaf, elder flower, yarrow, catnip, sage, honey and apple cider vinegar. Steep a single herb or a combination of herbs, then add honey to taste. Allow to cool and drink the tea throughout the day.
Temperature Spikes: Repeated applications of myrtle and lemon may be effective for temperature spikes.  If four or five applications within an hour and a half period do not seem to bring a fever down, I would use a combination of these oils, oregano, clove, and cumin.

Tendonitis -  Also see Carpal Tunnel
Essential oils - Basil, Birch, Cypress, Lavender Ginger, Peppermint, Rosemary
 Essential Oil Combinations - Carpal Tunnel/Tendonitis/Tennis Elbow , No Mo Pain

Take vitamin C which plays a role in  collagen production -one of the main ingredients in healthy tendons - Very important Keep Hydrated drink plenty of water.

At the first sign of tendonitis, avoid heat. Use cold therapy only. Use the following aeromatherapy oils diluted in water for cold compresses: Camphor - Eucalyptus - Lavender - Rosemary - Chamomile

Restore glucosamine levels with all natural “Glucosamine Sulfate”
Tennis Elbow - Essential oils - Birch, Eucalyptus, Helichrysum, Peppermint, Rosemary
 Essential Oil Combinations -  Carpal Tunnel/Tendonitis/Tennis Elbow, No Mo Pain

Rest - Ice - Compress - Use the following essential
oils diluted in water for cold compresses: Camphor - Eucalyptus - Lavender - Rosemary - Chamomile
Omega-3 essential fatty acids help make your muscles and bones stronger.
You can massage your injured elbow yourself rather than spending money going to a physiotherapist. There are two types of massage, namely trigger point massage and friction massage, which are primarily used to heal tennis elbow. The former has to be performed by a professional in order to be effective. However, you can do the friction massage yourself. Just use your thumb and gently rub the sore elbow back and forth. Massage the area that is most painful.
Elevate your arm - Stretching - One of the main reasons for tennis elbow is not stretching your arm. Stretching also can help your arm to recover. Once you notice the pain subsiding, it is time to begin stretching exercises that increase the flexibility of your arm and also strengthen the forearm muscles.
Tension - Essential oils -  Basil, Bergamot, Carrot, Cedarwood, Chamomile, Frankincense, Lavender, Valerian, Ylang Ylang
  Essential Oil Combinations - Balance, No Mo Pain
Tension Headache Blend:
2 drops Chamomile
3 drops Basil
3 drops Lavender
5 drops Frankincense

Mix all of the essential oils together with 1 tsp. of coconut oil. Rub on neck and throat throughout the day. For additional support, put 1-2 drops of Frankincense oil under the tongue.

It turns out that when we feel anxious, our body naturally goes into survival mode, heightening our ability to identify threats—and the nose often takes the lead. You can use this anxiety-heightened sniffing ability to tackle the annoying side effects of stress, such as indigestion and insomnia. How? With aromatherapy, the practice of using essential oils—concentrated from flowers, leaves, fruit, bark, and roots—to ease stress.

1. For constant worrying

Essential oil: Sandalwood

How to chill: Dab a few drops on your chest, and then practice a simple mindfulness exercise: Close your eyes, sit up straight, and rest your hands on your lap. Breathe slowly and count your inhales: Inhale one, inhale two, inhale three, inhale four, etc. When you lose count, start back at one and keep counting until you feel your tension ease.

2. For light-headedness or depression

Essential oil: Peppermint

How to chill: Place two drops along the back of your neck or on the crown of your head. Then then take 10 to 15 deep breaths with the bottle of oil under your nose (you will feel a noticeable tingling sensation).

3. For acid reflux, headaches, or indigestion

Essential oil: Sweet Marjoram 

How to chill: After a warm shower, put three drops in the palm of both hands, and add a tablespoon of unscented body oil or lotion. Rub your palms together and spread the blend on your abdomen and chest in circular, clockwise motions.

4. For sleeplessness

Essential oil: Clary Sage

How to chill: Before you head to bed, take a hot bath with several drops of clary sage in the water. Once in bed, place three drops on a tissue, turn off the lights, and take 10 to 15 deep breaths through the tissue. Keep the tissue on your nightstand while you sleep.

5. For a panic attack 

Essential oil: German Chamomile

How to chill: Put a drop of oil in the palm of each hand, and cup them over your face. Start to slow your breathing by silently counting your exhales in your head. The oil combined with the mindful breathing will leave you feeling much calmer.

Carrot seed tea

Dr. Christopher - Relax Eze

Testicles - Essential oil - Rosemary
Ylang Ylang essential oil works on a few levels to help treat erectile dysfunction. It has euphoric properties that provide a sense of well-being and enhanced self-esteem. Ylang Ylang is used to treat frigidity, depression, and anxiety.
Rose oil has been shown to relieve depression and aid in relaxation in. It’s an aphrodisiac thought to bring about happiness and self-confidence that can aid in sensuality. Rose oil increases libido and enhances sperm and testosterone production.
Lavender had the greatest effect on penile blood flow in males.

Rosemary and Lavender essential oils reduced reproductive function damage and oxidative stress in diabetic men. These oils also had a positive effect on testosterone levels and sperm quality.

Cinnamon essential oil has been shown to improve sexual function.   Cinnamon extract increased the weight of testes and seminal vesicles. This could be because the oil stimulates hormone levels. Cinnamon also increased sperm count and testosterone levels. The motility and viability of the sperm was also increased.

Basil has long been used as an herbal medicine to treat a variety of illnesses. Studies found that basil significantly increases sperm motility, viability, and count. It can also reduce oxidative stress.

Nutmeg and clove are nervous stimulants and have a positive effect on sexual behavior. Nutmeg has been shown to increase blood circulation, which can help with erectile dysfunction.

Dr. Christopher's  Male Urinary Tract  Male Tonic, or Prostate Plus Formula 
Hanna Kroeger's  Men's Special
Male Libido  by Grandma's Herbs

Thoughts - Essential Oil Combination -Inspiration
Valerian contains compounds that promote sleep and calm nerves. It can have a mild sedative effect on the body.
LavenderJasmineBasil, Bergamot, Chamomile, Rose, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Frankincense, Patchouli, Geranium, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Fennel
Essential oils are effective stress reducers because of their unique design and ability to soothe the central nervous system. When we face stress, it creates an acidic state in the body. This activates an enzyme which transcribes any anxiety you feel into your DNA, making this emotion a predominant part of your life. The aromatic molecules of essential oils can prevent this transcription from taking place by helping the body maintain an alkaline state, rather than an acidic one. Because essential oils have the ability to enter the pineal gland and amygdala of the brain, they can also help you to release emotional trauma and improve your focus in the midst of stress.
Throat - Also see Laryngitis , Strep      Essential oils - Cypress, Grapefruit, Lemon     EO combination   3 in 1 X Plague,
Essential oils can be used in steam inhalations; Eucalyptus and tea tree are obvious choices, but try also sage and rosemary are also help. Lavender  in a steam inhalation but also in a compress applied to the throat is also very soothing. Essential oils can also be mixed with a base oil to make a soothing chest rub. Try mixing a teaspoon of olive oil with a few drops of Eucalyptus essential oil, or Helichrysum. Gently massage into throat and upper chest area. Cover with a blanket or heating pad to help it work.

Infections from viruses or bacteria are the main cause of sore throats and can make it difficult to talk and breathe. Allergies and sinus infections can also contribute to a sore throat.
Sore throats often accompany viral infections, including the flu, colds, measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, and croup. One viral infection, infectious mononucleosis, or “mono,” takes much longer than a week to be cured. This virus lodges in the lymph system, causing massive enlargement of the tonsils, with white patches on their surface. Other symptoms include swollen glands in the neck, armpits, and groin; fever, chills, and headache.
Strep throat is an infection caused by a particular strain of streptococcus bacteria. This infection can also damage the heart valves (rheumatic fever) and kidneys (nephritis), cause scarlet fever, tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and ear infections. Symptoms of strep throat often include fever (greater than 101°F), white draining patches on the throat, and swollen or tender lymph glands in the neck. Children may have a headache and stomach pain.
Gargle with warm salt water
1 cup of warm water (8 oz.)
-½ teaspoon of table salt

Apple Cider Vinegar - Its high levels of acidity can kill bacteria quite efficiently, and when mixed with honey it can soothe the soreness in your throat as well.

1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar
-1 tablespoon of honey
-1 cup of very warm water

Suck on dried Marshmallow root
Drinking warm water with cayenne can actually make you feel better.
-1/2 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper
-1 cup of boiling water
-1 teaspoon of honey
By drinking licorice root tea you can naturally get some relief for your sore throat. The anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties of licorice root help reduce swelling and irritation, and soothe the mucus membranes in your throat.
1 cup chopped dry licorice root
-1/2 cup cinnamon chips
-2 tablespoons whole cloves
-1/2 cup chamomile flowers
Baking soda is often times touted as a simple, straightforward, and effective home remedy for sore throats. The reason? Baking soda has antibacterial properties, which could help to kill off the nasties camping out in your throat. It also has a slightly Alkaline PH-this soothes minor skin irritations such as bug bites and rashes, and it will act similarly on the swollen tissues in your throat.
1 cup of very warm water
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1/2 teaspoon or a little less baking soda
Heat the water until it is very warm, but not so warm that you can’t drink it. Mix in ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon or a little less baking soda, stir, and test the temperature. Pour some of the liquid into your throat, let it sit for a moment, then gargle. Do this twice in a row 3 times daily.

1. Salt: It draws the water out of your swollen mucus membranes, reducing swelling and pain.

2. Honey: Comforting and soothing honey helps coat the throat when it is dry, scratchy and painful. It also kills bacteria. It should not be given to children under 2 years of age.

3. Lemon: Cuts through unwanted mucus, kills bacteria, and can help dull the pain in sore spots. Often used with honey.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar: It’s a major germ-buster, and while it may seem counter-intuitive, ACV can really help relieve your sore throat.

5. Baking Soda: Due to its PH levels it can help soothe minor skin irritations, and also helps rid your body of bad bacteria that could be lurking about and making things worse.

Thrush - see   Candida

Candida albicans are a form of yeast that normally lives in our stomachs and intestines. Problems arise when the candida organism proliferates to a number where they are out of control and an infection can occur.

Often times seen in the oral lining (mouth) where it is known as 'Thrush' or in the vaginal and anal areas. Yeast infections can be very itchy. These over growth infections occur most often after a course of antibiotics, because the normal bacteria that keep the number of yeast under control were killed off.
Nervous system symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth: Headaches, depression, lethargy, irritability, lack of concentration or memory loss.
Genito-Urinary tract symptoms of Yeast Overgrowth: Fatigue, joint pain, cold hands and feet, food allergies, increased body hair, numbness and tingling, loss of libido, chemical sensitivities, food cravings, sugar craving or mitral valve prolapse.
Respiration: sinusitis, bronchitis, hay fever, earaches or asthma.
Skin: Hives, fungus infections, eczema, athletes foot or dermatitis

Using a few essential oils in a mouth rinse, douche or in a bath for a few days may get you started on controlling the numbers of candida yeast present. This may help to get the problem of candidiasis under control so your own immune system and body can keep them in check.

Essential oils -  Bergamot , Eucalyptus, Lavender, Marjoram Rose, Tea Tree, Thyme, Cajuput, Lemon, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Rosemary, Geranium, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile and Patchouli

Vaginal - Essential oils - Geranium, Myrrh, Patchouli, Rosemary, Tea Tree

Myrrh is used for many types of mouth problems and adding a drop in a couple ounces of warm water and swishing around and rinsing your mouth a couple times a day will bring relief.

Any of the above listed essential oils can be used in a mouth rinse. Remember only 1 drop in 2 ounces of water. If possible hold the mouthwash in your mouth for a minute or two before spitting out. Do not drink, this is for rinsing your mouth only!!

If the yeast is vaginal and is burning you could make an anti-yeast douche and/or bolus. You could do a plain garlic douche, or comfrey tea or extract or acidolphilus bolus;

Bolus - take 1 part goldenseal, 1 part white oak bark, 1/2 part slippery elm, Mix with mineral water and olive oil.  Make a firm consistency that can be rolled into tube-like shapes on wax paper. Put in freezer to firm, let sit at room temperature before using. Insert into vagina at night, douche the next morning.

Swish a swab of Brandy or Bourbon on mouth area. (diluted with water)

Vaginal thrush - douche with cultured yogurt or insert acidolphus tablets.

Candida treatments  Candida Formula #1, Candida Formula #2 Candida Formula Liver Care,  

A nursing mother can treat herself for yeast (candida) and it will usually clear the babies thrush.

Thymus - Essential oils - Elemi, Ravensara, Spruce  Bergamot, Clove, Tea Tree, Oregano, Thyme and Eucalyptus.
Essential Oil Combinations -
Immune  Immuboost or Immuboost extra
The thymus is now known to be a key factor in the immune system.

The thymus gland regulates the immune system. It is largely composed of lymphatic tissue. Unfortunately this gland shrinks as a person ages, and by old age, most people’s thymus glands are composed primarily of fat and fibrous tissues.  Fortunately, there are herbs that can help to strengthen the function of this important gland, enhancing immunity. Several single herbs appear to have strong affinity for this gland. They include echinacea, yarrow, thyme, licorice, olive leaf, pau d’arco, rosehips, wheatgrass and barley grass. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc. also appear to enhance thymus function. Nutrients that help thymus function include black currant oil, organic germanium, vitamin A and beta carotine, and zinc.

Best supplements  -Spirulina, Alfalfa, Licorice, and Kelp
Best vitamins for the thymus - Niacin B-3, B6 Vitamin, A, C and E
Best Minerals - Potassium, Sodium, Selenium and Zinc
How To Thump Your Thymus For Health
1. Take a couple of deep, relaxing breaths. Inhale any of the Essential oils mentioned above ;
2. Using your fingertips or side of your fist, tap up and down about 2-3 inches along your sternum, between and above your mammary glands.
The thymus is located behind the third rib, but any vibrations along the length of the upper sternum will stimulate it.
3. Do this for 15-20 seconds and continue to take regular slow breaths.
4. Do 1-3 times a day or up to 4 during times of acute illness.
Thyroid - also see Lupus    - Dizzy 
The thyroid is “The Master Hormone” that controls everything in our body. Symptoms  - tired, cold all the time, hair and memory loss, brittle nails and hair, leg swelling.
Lemongrass has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. If you have a swollen or inflamed thyroid area, applying lemongrass oil topically may provide relief.
Rubbing a few drops of Frankincense oil on dry skin caused by a hyperactive thyroid could relieve itching and flaking and help skin heal.
The active ingredient in Wintergreen oil, methyl salicylate, is a well-studied pain reliever  that works similarly to aspirin. Wintergreen oil can be used as a topical treatment for aching joints and tired muscles caused by thyroid conditions.
Sandalwood has anti-anxiety properties. Using a few drops of sandalwood oil as a topical treatment applied at your pressure points, or diffusing Sandalwood oil through an aromatherapy diffuser, could effectively treat anxiety caused by an overactive thyroid.
Pine essential oil may decrease inflammation and treat sore joints when applied on your skin, but current evidence is mostly anecdotal.

Essential oils Myrrh- , Myrtle, Spruce  Spearmint, Geranium, Cedarwood,     Essential Oil Combination - Vitality  <>
Here are three things you can do to boost your thyroid function:
Eat more of these great sources of iodine to enhance thyroid function: 
  • Low fat cheese  
  • Cow’s milk
  • Eggs   
  • Low fat ice cream    
  • Low fat yogurt                                  
  • Saltwater fish
  • Seaweed (including kelp, dulce, nori)
  • Shellfish
  • Soy sauce

Eat less of these foods; they slow your thyroid because they block your thyroid and your medication from producing thyroid hormone properly, especially when eaten raw. Cooking these foods inactivates their anti-thyroid properties. These foods are called goitrogens, which are chemicals that lower thyroid function. Eat these foods sparingly or only once every four days:

  • Almonds                      
  • Cauliflower (Any vegetable that falls into the broccoli family is a goitrogen and shouldn’t be eaten more than twice a week if you have hypothyroidism.)
  • Millet             
  • Pears               
  • Turnips
  • Brussels sprouts          
  • Corn                      
  • Mustard       
  • Pine nuts           
  • Cabbage                         
  • Kale                        
  • Peaches         
  • Soy (Isoflavones block iodine)
  • Canola oil                                                       
  • Peanuts         
  • Spinach

Workout every day. All you need is a pair of sneakers and a watch, and you’re ready to go. For optimal thyroid function, you must exercise at least three days a week for 40 minutes per workout. I strongly suggest working out/walking every day so your thyroid gets a boost daily to correct the condition until your thyroid is running at an optimal rate.

Supplementing is the best way to keep your thyroid running at an optimal rate and to keep your weight under control. Start your supplement regime first by using a very strong, high quality multivitamin. Look for a very potent high quality multi with high levels of iodine, selenium, zinc, vitamin B, D, E and at least 2 grams of vitamin C. Other nutrients such as omega-3 as well as amino acids also help regulate the thyroid and need to also be considered.

Dr. Christopher's -  Thyroid Maintenance,  Herbal Thyroid

Adrenals also need to be balanced to really see effects -
Dr. Christopher's Adrenal Formula

Bladder wrack is a kind of seaweed that must be consumed by those suffering from hypothyroidism in order to improve the functionality of their thyroid gland. Bladder wrack contains high amount of iodine and is very good for proper functioning of thyroid. The herb bladder wrack can also help in the treatment of arthritis pain, constipation, bronchitis, and anxiety. Experts suggest taking 200 mg of bladder wrack supplement every day.

Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which help in improving the functionality of thyroid. At the same time coconut oil helps in improving the body metabolism rate. Always use extra virgin organic coconut cooking oil to enjoy the health benefits of this cooking oil.

Tick removalApply a glob of liquid soap to a cotton ball. Cover the tick with the soap-soaked cotton ball and let it stay on the repulsive insect for a few seconds (15-20), after which the tick will come out on it's own and be stuck to the cotton ball when you lift it away.
Eucalyptus Oil is known as an effective tick repeller and killer. Just combine 4 ounces of purified or distilled water to a small spray bottle along with 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Shake before using and spray on skin, pant cuffs, and shoes.

A tick doesn’t bite, but instead attaches itself to a victim (called a host) so that it can feed on blood. It uses barbed mouthparts to dig into the skin of a victim, making tick removal highly difficult. Most people and animals are unaware that a tick has become imbedded into the skin. If left undetected, a tick will engorge itself on the blood of its host over the course of 2 to 4 days and drop off. However, in that time – the damage could already be done if the tick was carrying a disease.
During the initial infectious stage (immediately after the tick bite) disinfect the site and if started early enough will eliminate further complications.
Disinfect after Removal - Apply a drop of 3 in 1 oil blend to disinfect the site. This is really important. The blend 3 in 1, goes deep to kill any nasties left by the bite. X Plague, X Bacteria,
Illnesses transmitted by the tick often begin only days or weeks after the tick is gone. If symptoms occur, tell the physician if you have been outdoors. Symptoms may include: fever, numbness, rash, confusion, weakness, pain and swelling in the joints, shortness of breath, nausea, and/or vomiting. Blood tests are needed to diagnose any illness.
Tinnitus - is noise or ringing in the ears. also see Ear   - Essential oils - Juniper Lemongrass or Helichrysum behind ear on Mastoid bone. 
A drop each of Frankincense and Basil and apply to the back of the ear - on Mastoid bone, in olive oil - and run down the jaw line to the chin on each ear.  Repeat starting at top of ear and run down front of ear and jaw line.  Repeat every 1 - 4 hours till ringing subsides.

Blend 4 drops each Cypress, Helichrysum, Lavender, Rosemary, let stand 24 hours, add 1 ounce carrier oil.  Put 5 - 7 drops of blend in palm and apply with fingers starting at front of ear, around the outside rim of the ear and down to the ear lobe. Continue in the depression behind and below the ear and down the jaw line. Repeat till oil in palm is used. Breath the blend in the palm. Repeat 2 - 3 times daily.

Some tinnitus patients have been found to have lower zinc levels and may benefit from Zinc.
One study showed melatonin may help tinnitus sufferers, particularly those with disturbed sleep due to the tinnitus.

 Dr. Christopher's -Ear & Nerve Formula

Tired -  see Energy, Exhaustion , Fatigue
Energy Essential Oil Blends: Alert, Energy, EnergizeCitrus blend, Vitality,
Citrus oils such as Lemon, Orange, and Grapefruit offer a powerfully uplifting aroma shown to positively alter mood and provide a burst of energy. In fact, the use of citrus essential oils like sweet orange can help individuals dealing with stress by stimulating the mind and the senses.

Mint oils like Peppermint and eucalyptus provide a powerful breath of fresh air to pull you out of drowsiness and motivate you to get things done. Peppermint oil has been shown to improve performance when exercising as it fights fatigue of the mind and body, while eucalyptus offers a range of healing properties that help keep the entire body energized.

Basil essential oil energizes naturally by stimulating the adrenal glands to reduce sluggishness and clear mental fog. Black pepper essential oil can maintain healthy improve circulation—some even use it as part of a pre-workout routine. Ginger oil keeps energy levels steady, even if you missed out on sleep.

Grapefruit, Lemon, Orange, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Black pepper, Ginger, Basil, Lavender, Chamomile, Bergamot, Rosemary, Sage, Cypress, Cedarwood, Pine, Ylang-ylang

Tissue  - Essential oils - Basil, Chamomile, Elemi, Fennel, FrankincenseGeranium, Helichrysum, Lavender, Lemongrass,  Lime, Marjoram, Myrrh, Orange, Patchouli, RoseSage, Sandalwood, Rosemary Cypress, Grapefruit, Foraha, Calendula,  CarrotPalmarosa, Hyssop, Angelica, Bay

 Dr. Christopher's   Complete Tissue Formula  Western Botanical's Tissue Repair,
Bone, Flesh & Cartilage 480 mg 100 Capsules by Natures Way

TMJ - (Temporomandibular joint pain) 
Poor Posture is one of the main causes affecting the muscles of the neck and head including the jaw.  Symptoms include a popping sound when opening and closing mouth, sore jaws, severe headaches, loss of hearing, ringing in the ears, neck pain and nausea.

Essential oils are known to relieve pain and stress without side effects.

Strength, No Mo Pain, Achy Muscle and Inflamed Tissue Rub, Carpel Tunnel, Nerve Damage, Ortho-Flex, Pain Anti Inflammatory,   Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Grapefruit, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Frankincense, Chamomile, Helichrysum, Sandalwood, Vetiver, Rose, Jasmine,  

These are exercises that have been known to improve most cases.  They need to be done as often as possible especially at first until the muscles strengthen to the point they will stay in place.  Do each exercise 5 to 10 times each. 

1.  Keep your lips together, teeth apart and jaw relaxed, rest the front third of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.  Do not touch your teeth with your tongue.  Breathe deeply from your abdomen through your nose. 

2. Place one knuckle between the teeth and rest it there for 1 minute.  Increase to 2 
knuckles and then 3. 

3.  Make a fist and place it against your chin between index and middle fingers.  With teeth slightly apart, gently push upward.  Open jaw against this pressure to 1 finger width.  Hold for a count of 10,  Remove fist and close jaws. 

4.  Sit in front of a mirror with your tongue on the roof of your mouth.  Grasp both sides of your chin with index fingers over the chin and thumbs underneath it.  Open your jaw, about 2 fingers' width, while applying gentle resistance.  Repeat while moving the jaw right to left. 

5.  Rest the front third of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.  Place index fingers over the temporomandibular joints - where the lower jaw meets the skull, just below the ears.  Open and close your mouth, stopping if you feel the ball of the joint move forward against your fingers.  Keep your tongue on your your palate.

Tobacco Craving -   See Stop Smoking
Many people consider Black pepper essential oil to be the best option when trying to overcome nicotine addiction and quit smoking.  Black pepper is highly effective at reducing cravings when compared to other methods.
Black pepper essential oil helped people to experience the greatest reduction in negative symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal.
Need a mood booster while experiencing symptoms of anxiety and stress while on your journey to quit smoking? Sweet Orange essential oil has a refreshingly bright scent that can be used to improve irritable moods and provide you with a feeling of energy. Sweet Orange oil is known for having a sedative effect which can help you to relax and alleviate anger and certain bodily inflammations and irritations that you may experience. When experiencing withdrawal symptoms, your body will need a chance to reset. This is where sweet orange essential oil can help!
Roman chamomile essential oil may be a gift when you simply need to take the edge off after a long day and cigarette cravings are spiking. That's because this popular essential oil is full of soothing qualities. It can create an overall calming effect that soothes a stressed mind. It can also relieve tension throughout the body and help a person to release grief and anger.

The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal aren't very pretty for some people. Many people experience headaches, nausea, digestive issues, and irritability when they give up smoking. The discomfort can cause them to go running back to their cigarettes before they've truly even started their journeys to quitting.

Peppermint essential oil is known to provide relief for headaches and nausea. The fresh, bold scent of peppermint oil offers a very welcome contrast to the smell of cigarette smoke. In fact, starting your day with some peppermint oil can be far more inspiring than reaching for your usual cigarette.
What if you're experiencing severe headaches without any accompanying nausea during your period of nicotine withdrawal? You might want to reach for some Rosemary essential oil. Rosemary essential oil has been used as a folk remedy for headaches for generations. Rosemary oil is known to have strong anti-inflammatory properties that lessen the severity of pounding headaches.

Look to Lavender if you want to slap down feelings of temptation. The lavender essential oil can be a very powerful tool for helping to relieve the anxiety and tension that often creep up when you quit cigarettes. What's more, lavender has been shown to soothe the central nervous system. Lavender is also very effective when it comes to combating restlessness and insomnia. You already know how strongly both of those things can come on in those initial days when you're trying to stay away from cigarettes. One other thing to know about lavender essential oil can help with the symptoms of respiratory problems.
ToeStrength, No Mo Pain, Achy Muscle and Inflamed Tissue Rub, Carpel Tunnel, Nerve Damage, Ortho-Flex, Pain Anti Inflammatory,

 Gout of - 15 sour cherries in the morning for 3 weeks.

Apple Cider packs on effected area.

Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 tbsp mixed with 1 tbsp honey in a glass of water. (Adjust to taste)

Tongue - Most causes of a sore tongue, like canker sores, swollen taste buds, and mouth injuries, can be treated at home. Home remedies can also help you ease a sore tongue caused by more serious medical conditions, such as burning mouth syndrome or oral thrush.
Oral hygiene
Brushing your teeth with a soft toothbrush, flossing, and using a mouthwash can help rid yourself of a sore tongue and prevent infection. You may also find that using a toothpaste that doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate helps relieve soreness.

Add 2 drops of Tea Tree to your tooth brush and your tooth Paste, It cleared up my son's mouth sores.
Aloe vera
Aloe is known for its skin-soothing abilities. This also applies to the tongue. You can rinse your mouth with aloe juice a few times per day.
Baking soda
For pain and swelling, try rinsing your mouth with a mixture of warm water and baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1/2 cup of water). You can also make a paste out of baking soda and water and apply it to the sore area.
Milk of magnesia
Applying small amounts of milk of magnesia, an acid neutralizer, to a sore tongue can help relieve pain and promote healing.
Hydrogen peroxide
As an antiseptic, hydrogen peroxide can treat an infection or sore inside your mouth. Use only 3% hydrogen peroxide and dilute it with water (equal parts peroxide to water).
Salt water
Gargling salt water is another way to reduce pain, inflammation, and prevent infection. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, swish it around your mouth, gargle, and spit.
Honey is a natural antibacterial and has been shown to be effective in treating several types of wounds. You can rub a bit of honey directly on the sore area a few times per day or drink a warm tea with honey.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil may be able to heal a sore tongue because of its antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. Apply the oil directly to the sore area with a cotton ball, rubbing it gently. Or you can swish it around in your mouth and spit it out. This is called oil pulling.
Chamomile is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. Scientific evidence is limited, however. To try this remedy, rinse your mouth with a strong chamomile tea once it has cooled, or apply a wet tea bag directly to the sore spot.
Vitamin supplements
If your tongue soreness is caused by a vitamin deficiency, consider taking a multivitamin or a vitamin B complex supplement. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

 Adheres to roof of mouth - Nutmeg    or also Essential oil   Nutmeg

 Mapped when red, scraped patches appear - Dandelion root or leaves 

 Deep red - Niacin, B-complex  

 Fissures or Purple red -B2   

Yellow or white - mint leaves on tongue
 Digestive - Essential oils - Chamomile (blue), Niaouli, Angelica, Basil, Cajeput, Cardamon, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Cistus, Clary Sage, GeraniumGinger, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lemon Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Marjoram, Melissa, Myrrh, Neroli, Nutmeg, Orange, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Spruce, Ylang Ylang 
                       Essential Oil Combinations Digestion, Systems strengthene
Heart - Essential oils - Lavender, Thyme
Nerves - Essential oils - Carrot, Clary Sage, Ravensara, Tea TreeThyme 
Skin - Essential oils - Lemon, Lime, Spearmint, Spikenard 
Stomach - Essential oils - Tangerine
Uterine - Essential oils - Jasmine, Thyme

Tonic Herbs
Tonics are herbal agents that permanently increase systemal tone and give increased vigor, energy, and strength by stimulating nutrition. These herbs are invigorating, refreshing and permanently strengthening to every body organ. They primarily give vitality and strength to the digestive system, yet all body organs acting in sympathy with the stomach are directly influenced and benefitted. They produce normal tone or tension to the tissues of an organ, resulting in a healthy muscular condition and reaction. These herbs sharpen the appetite, promote better waste elimination, aid in digestion, soothe the stomach, and gradually exert an alterative influence in building up strength, energy, and health. As a rule, the tonic herbs are bitter, and they are always used in convalescence from disease or in any run-down condition. However, do not rush tonics, see that the patient is past the crisis or acute stage.

BARBERRY  (Berberis vulgaris)
CALUMBA    (Jateorhiza palmata)
AMERICAN COLOMBO  (Frasera caroliniensis)
GOLDEN SEAL   (Hydrastis canadensis)
PERUVIAN BARK   (Cinchona calisaya)
WHITE POPLAR   (Populus tremuloides)
BLESSED THISTLE or HOLY THISTLE    (Carbenia benedicta; Centaurea benedicta; Carduus benedictus; Cnicus benedictus;  COMPOSITAE)
MYRRH or GUM MYRRH (Commiphora myrrha; Balsamodendron myrrha; C. molmol; BURSERACEAE)
GENTIAN   (Gentiana lutea; GENTIANACEAE)
FALSE UNICORN ROOT or HELONIAS    (Chamaelirium luteum; Helonias dioica; LILIACEAE)
Tonsillitis - Essential oils - Bergamot, Chamomile (Roman), GeraniumGingerLavender, Lemon, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), Thyme

 Make compress of banana baked in skin and mashed with cream or olive oil 

Grapefruit juice 

 Dr. Christopher's Lymphatic Formula

I rub my tonsils which causes the infection (pus) to go into my throat and I just "hack" it up and spit it out.
3 in 1 essential oil combination also helps with infection (rub it on throat - should be used with a carrier oil.

Toothache - see Teeth (above) Cloves
Toxemia - Essential Oil Recipe - Systems strengthener

Eat more garlic: Whether you like it raw, roasted, grilled, or ground up in your hummus, studies show that garlic also helps lower blood pressure levels.
Eat more beets: Specifically, drink more beets. In studies, beet root juice lowered blood pressure levels very quickly upon consuming the beverage.

Besides protein in the urine, other signs of preeclampsia include:
High blood pressure
Vision changes
Visual disturbances such as seeing “floaters”
Nausea and abdominal pain
Quick weight gain (more than normal for baby’s gestational age)
Swelling (especially quick and sudden swelling)

Taken from the writings of Dr. Christopher -
Be sure that you are eating high-quality, adequate protein.  Don't limit your intake of salt.  If you need supplementation, be sure that the salt is from the sea or mineral deposits; however, most sodium needs are easily obtained from fresh greens, especially fresh celery juice.  Make sure your diet is low stress, including lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, with some yogurt or natural cottage cheese.  You need more calcium during this time, but don't take calcium pills, because out of proportion, calcium pills aggravate problems in your body.  You need approximately twice the amount of phosphorus and a proportion of silica in order to utilize calcium effectively.  Take Dr. Christopher's Calc Tea and calcium-rich foods, especially greens.  Calcium tablets just release free radical calcium into the system and can cause more damage than help.  Drink lemon juice and honey or maple syrup throughout the day, as well as plenty of fluids.  Get lots of rest and reduce your stress.  Increase your potassium intake (bananas, mint, and dandelions are good sources of potassium; dulse and kelp are some of the best sources).  Raw beets can help with the potassium in the system; we like to grate beets, combine with chopped celery and grated carrot, and dress with homemade mayonnaise; raw garlic is good in this salad, and it is healing and cleansing.
The symptoms are water retention, hypertension, and protein in the urine. If you don't see immediate progress, see a physician; toxemia is life-threatening.
Toxins - Essential oils - Fennel, Fir, Patchouli,
The body eliminates waste every day through the skin. Essential oils can be potent plant helpers in this detoxification process

Tradition has correctly identified plants that yield detoxifying essential oils, including: Lemon, Frankincense, Patchouli, and Ylang Ylang.

All citrus essential oils are detoxifying: LemonGrapefruit, OrangeMandarin, Lime

These traditions build on the ways our bodies already work to detoxify. Our bodies continuously eliminate toxins through our digestive, urinary, integumentary (skin), circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic systems. Traditional detoxification treatments are designed to enhance these built-in mechanisms. It seems that human beings have always sought out and devised ways to cleanse the body of unwanted by-products of foods, especially cooked and smoked foods, the remnants of stress and fatigue, occasional encounters with natural toxins, and sporadic bouts of deliberate intoxication such as that caused by fermented beverages and other substances such as narcotics. .

Dr. Christopher's   Lymphatic Formula,  Vaginal Bolus Powder (can be used in rectum),
Cold Sheet Treatment Book

Hanna Kroeger's  Chem X  Environmental X  Metal X

Western Botanicals  Blood Detox Formula
Tranquilizer - Essential oils - Valerian
Essential Oil combinations  Tranquility, Serenity, Composure and others

1/2 cup sesame seeds blended in 2 cups of water and add 3 tbsp. whey - honey is optional for flavor 

Sip slowly on tea made of lobelia & valerian - add honey to taste.

Dr. Christopher - Relax Eze

Trauma - Essential Oil Combinations  Happy Memories, Letting go
Essential oils directly impact the brain’s limbic system. The limbic system is where the Amygdala is stored. This is the region of the brain that activates our fight and flight response. When people have been traumatized this is the region of the brain that is the most affected. Essential oils are a catalyst for healing from the perspective of mind-body energetics.

Lavender Can be used for shock in the moment and fight or flight following the trauma event,
Bergamot has been used to relieve anxiety and fear while also having a pleasing scent.

Mandarin is used to calm the mind, relax the body, and induce sleepiness, Mandarin has been proven in modern studies of its efficacy, mandarin oil aromatherapy has been found to possess sedative and anti-anxiety properties.

Rose oil is the second most popular essential oil used to treat anxiety and depression. It has been credited for treating grief, panic attacks, shock and more.
Chamomile is used to treat anxiety, worry, irritability, depression and increase one’s feelings of peace and contentment. A  study supports its anti-depressive and anti-anxiety qualities. In addition to the oil being used as an inhalant, it has also been a highly recommended ingredient in lotions, tea, candles, room fresheners and other popular retail products.
Ylang- Ylang and Clary Sage helps to soothe anger and rage by creating a sedating and an antidepressant response.
Frankincense and Sandalwood are all also known to improve a variety of PTSD symptoms.
Vetiver Is an excellent essential oil for grounding and calming, It can be applied to the bottom of the foot in the indent where the pads meet or inner wrist.
Tremors, Familial (Shaking) - Goldenrod extract/tincture - just a drop or two in water.
Frankincense acts as a nervous system stimulant and can help to calm nervous tension and tremors.
Vetiver  acts as a stimulant which helps calm the nervous symptoms, in which the tremors usually start from. Arnica, combined with marjoram and rosemary, helps to reduce inflammation and muscle spasms. Lemon and orange essential oils both work with the body to help boost mobility
L-dopa or dopamine - usually a homeopathic
Tuberculosis (T.B.) -This disease is a serious opportunistic disease in HIV/AIDS patients. In studies essential oils have major components that have been shown to be active against tuberculosis. Essential oils - Cajeput, Cedarwood, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Myrtle, Oregano, PeppermintSandalwood, Thyme, Rose, Rosemary 
  Essential Oil Combinations - Immune system, Infections, Respiratory Congestion, Respiratory Problems

Respiratory Products

 Dr. Christopher's - Lung & Bronchial  Cold Season Immune,
Hanna Kroeger - Sinus Blend 
Western Botanical - Lungs Plus

Grandma's Herbs - Respiratory Relief 

Tumors - Essential oils- Frankincense  good for controlling bleeding, speeding up the wound-healing process, improving oral health, fighting inflammatory conditions, but it also attacks cancer cells directly - Some of the most popular essential oils to us on cancer cells are: Cloves, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Ginger Lavender   Rosemary  Eucalyptus  Chamomile  Peppermint  Ylang- Ylang  Marjoram  Jasmine  Sandalwood

Essential oils - aromatherapy can:

  • boost wellbeing
  • relieve stress
  • help to refresh your body

People with cancer use aromatherapy because it makes them feel good. Many say that it can help lift their mood and improve their wellbeing. It helps them feel like they are helping themselves.
There is some evidence that aromatherapy massage can help with the effects of treatment.
These include:

  • anxiety
  • pain
  • depression
  • stress
  • tiredness

Aromatherapists believe that inhaling certain essential oils can help with nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are often side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Dr. Christopher's - Vaginal Bolus Powder (can be used in rectum) and Black Ointment

Blend a cheap can of asparagus and take 2 tbsp morning and night for fatty tumors. 

1 pound of white figs boiled in 3 quarts of milk until well done. Blend and apply as  poultice overnight for at least 6 nights.  Also drink 1/2 cup of this three times a day.

Hanna Kroeger's  CYT Formula   and her book  Tumors and Cysts

Typhoid - Essential oil  Cinnamon     Essential Oil Combination   X-Plague

Taken from the writings of Dr. Christopher.
An infectious affliction characterized by an enlargement of the spleen and the mesenteric lymph nodes and catarrhal inflammation of the intestinal mucous membrane.  After two or three weeks incubation, there is weakness, headache, vague pains, tendency to diarrhea and nosebleed, and pronounced stupor.  The stools have a peculiar pea-soup color.  At times there is constipation, and usually there is slight congestion of the lung accompanied by a cough.  On the seventh to ninth day, peculiar eruptions of small, slightly elevated, rose-colored spots appear on the chest and abdomen.  Frequently there is a complication of intestinal hemorrhoids, peritonitis, pneumonia, nephritis and perforation of the bowel.

Herbal aids:
With fevers, use moist heat to facilitate the cleansing and eliminate the toxic backlog in the system.  Induce profuse perspiration by the use of hot yarrow or raspberry leaf tea and by soaking in a tub of hot water with up to a pound of ginger, and a teaspoon each of mustard and cayenne.  Follow with the cold sheet treatment.     
Ulcers - Essential oils -Basil, Bergamot, Chamomile (German), Cinnamon, Elemi, Frankincense, GeraniumLavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Orange, Peppermint, Rose

 An old woman I knew drank peroxide (store kind) when the Doctor wanted to operate for bleeding ulcers.  When she went back in two weeks, there was no sign of ulcers.

Antacids make ulcers worse.  DGL makes it better in no time.  It strengthens your stomach's natural lining while healing existing ulcers 

Probiotics have been proven effective against the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori for short

Boiled or raw carrots - Do not use aluminum or put butter or salt on them. This is all you can eat for a week 

 Marigold (Calendula)  or yarrow tea or cooked okra.

Want to make your ulcer worse? Take antacids. Want to make it better in no time? Take the natural breakthrough supplement called DGL it strengthens your stomach's natural lining while healing existing ulcers.


Ulcerated Colitis - To date, there is no cure for UC, a chronic disease of the large intestine (colon) in which inflammation brought on by a faulty immune response creates sores or ulcers in the lining of the colon.
Herbs that work best include:
Aloe vera gel
Tormentil extract
Wheatgrass juice
Curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric)

  Homeopathic - Thuja occidentalis 

Probiotics are believed to be beneficial in managing ulcerative colitis and other chronic digestive disorders.5
Probiotics contain so-called "friendly" bacteria are often able to control more harmful bacteria while reducing inflammation and improving the protective mucus lining of the gut.

Ulcerated Intestines -DGL This blend is useful for improving digestive function. It is beneficial in digesting toxic material, and for alleviating indigestion, Stomach cramps, upset stomach, Gas, Heartburn. 

Garlic (raw is best, can chop up and swallow - take parsley or chlorophyll to kill odor, take at night not on an empty stomach)
Eight Key Steps that nearly everyone with a bowel syndrome needs to take in order to heal their gastrointestinal disease quickly:
1. Provide bowel rest using a special elemental (pre-digested) liquid diet
2. Kill off the bad bacteria and fungus in the gut (disease-causing organisms)
3. Re-populate the gastrointestinal tract with good bacteria
4. Heal intestinal inflammation and ulceration
5. Resolve nutritional deficiencies
6. Detox your living environment
7. Heal the contributing emotional factors
8. Balance your hormones



Ulcerated StomachScientifically backed natural ulcer remedies
Cassia is used to treat stomach pain and inflammatory diseases.

Cabbage juice contains compounds that may help prevent and heal stomach ulcers. Cabbage is also rich in vitamin C, which appears to have similar protective properties.
Licorice may prevent the growth of H. pylori.
Honey is an antioxidant-rich food linked to a variety of health benefits. These include improved eye health and a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke and even certain types of cancer.  Regular consumption of honey may help prevent ulcers, especially those caused by H. pylori infections.

Garlic is another food with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.
Curcumin, turmeric’s active compound, may protect the stomach lining and help ulcers heal. However, more research is needed, especially in humans.
Peppers are unlikely to cause ulcers and may actually help get rid of them.
aloe vera drink was used to successfully treat 12 patients with stomach ulcers
Probiotics may help prevent and fight ulcers. They may also enhance the efficiency of anti-ulcer medications and reduce their side effects.

Okra, apples, string beans 

 3 parts licorice root and 7 parts slippery elm - capsules or tincture or tea or put on 
          cereal - anyway you can get it down.

Uremia - Urea is the waste that the kidneys usually help to filter away  Uremia translates into "urine in the blood."  Uremia is a side effect of kidney failure, so treating the condition requires treating the kidneys.
Dr Christophers Kidney Formula
Western Botanical's Kidney Bladder Formula

Uremia symptoms:
extreme tiredness or fatigue
cramping in your legs
little or no appetite
trouble concentrating

Drink 1 tsp. Epsom salts in 8 oz. water every hour for 4 hours. 

Uric Acid Other Natural Tips for Treating Uric Acid
Lemongrass essential oil is used to reduce uric acid levels. In folk medicine lemongrass tea has been used to reduce pain and inflammation.
Celery seed essential oil works to enhance the effects of gout medications, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corticosteroids. Celery seed oil can boost the anti-inflammatory effects, reducing painful swelling. It can also help alleviate the gastric side effects of corticosteroids.

Yarrow has been used for thousands of years to treat wounds, arthritis, and indigestion. Topical application of  yarrow essential oil can significantly reduce inflammation. You can brew and drink yarrow tea to help reduce inflammation in your joints. You can also mix yarrow essential oil with a carrier oil, like olive oil, and apply it directly to the affected joint.
Ginger has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-gout properties. Ginger may be able to reduce uric acid levels and prevent future gout flares.  Ginger essential oils can be mixed in a carrier oil and applied to the area.
Cassia is used to treat stomach pain and inflammatory diseases.

Exercise, just like optimizing your vitamin D levels, is an all-around health booster that helps improve your health no matter what your problem is. Exercise helps normalize your insulin and hence your uric acid levels, naturally.
Some natural supplements
Tart cherries have similar activity to aspirin and ibuprofen. (consider cherry juice concentrate.)
Nutmeg is useful for uric acid.
Vit E is a good anti-inflammatory
Fish oils
Nettle is a natural antihistamine used to treat inflamed joints and works as a diuretic and flush out uric acid.
Turmeric excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

As many as 3/4ths of all gout patients have inherited a genetic defect that inhibits the
excretion of uric acid. Kidney failure and a high intake of diuretic drugs or diuretic foods (such as liver or watermelon) can also cause this problem. The other precursor of gout - the excessive production of uric acid - is triggered by hereditary factors too, as well as obesity and excessive alcohol consumption.

Raw onion poultice over area, left on all night. 

Celery seed may stop gout attacks, and it has many other benefits." may be taken in extract form. It is also reputed to reduce inflammation, calm muscle spasms and fight bacteria. May even help protect the liver as well.

Balances - Sour cherries 

Deposits - Hydrangea 

Straighten out - watermelon or muskmelon (canteloupe) 

Asparagus, cranberries, spinach, endive and watercress cooked on low heat - 3 servings a day.

Urinary Tract - Essential oils - Bergamot, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Geranium Juniper, Lavender, Lemon, Myrtle, Marjoram, Pine, Sage, Sandalwood, Rosemary, Tarragon, Tea Tree, Thyme

Dr. Christopher's Herbal Iron , Bladder,  Kid-e-dry   Male Urinary Tract Formula

Infection (URI's) 

According to Dr. Mark Stengler  Bearberries (also known as Uva Ursi) cure stubborn kidney infections. Dr. Christpher's Kidney formula has Uva Ursi in it. We also carry the plain herb  Link         

Painful white urination - 1 tsp. marjoram in glass of water and simmer 10 min. sweeten with brown sugar. 
Also put a handful of parsley over the painful area. 

Blood in urine - boil 4 oz. juniper berries in 1 qt. water for 10 min.  - take 1/2 cup 4 times a day. 

Uterus - also see Hormonal Imbalance - Cancer
         Essential oils - Cedarwood, ElemiGeranium, Jasmine, Lemon, Myrrh, Thyme

Endometriosis is an often-painful condition that occurs when tissue that is similar to the lining of your uterus grows outside your uterus.
Women using Lavender oil topically helps with the pain.
Menstrual cramps could be effectively decreased  using topically applied Rose, Lavender, and Clary Sage.
Use a  Lavender Sage and Marjoram  mixture and rub into lower belly, starting at the end of one menstrual cycle and ending at the beginning of their next one.

A mixture of Cinnamon, Clove, Lavender and Rose essential oils in a base of almond oil  has a significant effect on pain and bleeding during menstruation.

Rose is like a cure-all. It can help with so many things—from acting as a natural laxative (the hormone progesterone is the main culprit here) to containing emmenagogues (a substance that triggers menstruation, which is great if your periods are irregular). Rose essential oil can also help treat cramps, fatigue, and nausea, making it a menstruation must-have.

Lavender has anti-inflammatory properties. When your uterus is trying to shed its inner lining, it contracts and expands to push it out through your vagina. This can cause your uterus and the surrounding blood vessels to feel inflamed. Lavender essential oil treats this by relaxing your muscles. It can also make you feel more zen—it’s known for it’s calming effects. If you’re anything like me, you could use a bit more chill when you’re on your period.

Ylang-ylang oil soothes the brain and central nervous system, making it easier to cope with stress and period-induced anxiety and depression.

Peppermint oil is amazing because it can relieve headaches and inflammation and boost your energy. Fluctuating estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone can leave you feeling fatigued at different points of your menstrual cycle. A little Peppermint EO can help!
Amenorrhea (absence or scanty) -Essential oilsBasil, Carrot, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Fennel, Hyssop, Jasmine, JuniperLavender, Marjoram, Melissa, Myrrh, Peppermint, RoseRosemary, Sage.  (Do not use most of these during pregnancy - see PREGNANCY for more info)
Aromatherapy Essential Oil Combination - Female Aide

Dysmenorrhea (painful) - Essential oils Basil, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Cypress, FennelJasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Marjoram, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage Tarragon  Thyme .
Essential Oil Combination for Aromatherapy -  Female Aide   

Menorrhagia (heavy or lengthy flow) -Essential oils - Roman Chamomile, Cypress, Geranium  , Rose

Cayenne for heavy or lengthy flow
Hanna Kroeger's - Women's GoldFemale Balance,

Balance Hormones (general):
Place 2 drops of Frankincense under the tongue morning and night
Geranium topically over the adrenal glands (kidneys) every morning
Mix 3 drops each of Frankincense, Cypress, and Chamomile Roman in 1 TB of coconut oil and apply to the bottoms of the feet morning and night.
The key here is consistency! You won’t be able to balance your hormones if your application of these essential oils is erratic or here and there. You have to stick to it.

Female Aid Essential Oil Blend
To Increase Progesterone:
Apply Thyme and Marjoram (3 drops each in 1 TB coconut oil) over the liver at night

Dr. Christopher's - Herbal Iron  also see Vaginal Bolus Formula

Ice pack or frozen vegetables to nipples will stop bleeding at once. (Be careful not to hold too long or frostbite may occur.)

Western Botanicals formulas Female Balance .

Bleeding  -  Cayenne  or  Ladies Slipper
Cinnamon Bark can be used as a tincture every fifteen minutes to stop uterine bleeding.

VaccinationsVaccination myths link

Essential oils have the ability to help stimulate and support the body’s natural detoxification processes which may encourage the elimination of heavy metals. For example, the limonene found in citrus essential oils (Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, TangerineMandarin, Bergamot, Orange) is known to stimulate glutathione production; an antioxidant known to bind to heavy metals.
Helichrysum and Cardamom  have heavy metal chelating power.

Link to vaccination alternatives known as - NOSODES

you can find a copy of the chart here.

As you can see, some of these ingredients are known toxins, and some are even linked to autoimmune diseases, respiratory issues and cancer!
Vaginal -
Yogurt. Yogurt is a natural probiotic.
Hydrogen peroxide.
Breathable cotton underwear.
Boric acid.
Don't douche.

Candida (thrush) - Essential oils - Bergamot, Lavender, Myrrh, Tea Tree, Thyme
There are different ways to use essential oils to treat bacterial vaginosis, including mixing it with coconut oil (or another carrier oil) and soaking a tampon in it. Insert the tampon into the vagina and remove it after an hour. Remove it sooner if there is any irritation. Repeat this a few times per day. Don’t sleep with a diluted tea tree tampon in place.
see Candida
Vaginal thrush - douche with cultured yogurt or insert acidolphus tablets

 Infection- Essential oils - Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Lavender, Rosemary,
  Sage, Thyme 
 Inflammation of Vagina - Essential oils - EucalyptusLavender, Tea Tree
 Vaginitis- Essential oils - Recipe taken from Valerie Worwood's book  1 Lavender, 1 Tea Tree
                1 tsp vinegar,  1/2 tsp lemon juice, and 2 1/2 cups of warm water mixed thoroughly.

 Dr. Christopher's Herbal Iron   also see Vaginal Bolus Formula

Varicose Ulcers - Essential oils that are used to increase circulation, reduce swelling, and ease pain may helpEucalyptus, Geranium, Lavender, Tea Tree, Thyme Clary SageCypress, Helichrysum, Lemongrass, Orange Rose, Tangerine, Black Pepper
Wear compression stockings or bandages every day as instructed. ...
Put your feet above your heart as often as possible. ...
Take a walk or exercise every day
During waking hours, try to elevate your legs above the level of your heart for 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a day. Elevating your legs may be all the treatment you need if you have mild venous insufficiency

Ways to use essential oils topically for varicose veins:
Create a warm or cool compress by soaking a cloth in a blend of five drops of essential oils and 1 qt of water. Apply the compress to the affected area for 15 minutes. Keep your legs elevated during application.
Combine up to 30 drops of essential oil with approximately 3 tablespoons of carrier oil. Popular carrier oils include sweet almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, or jojoba oil. You may also add the oils to shea butter or cocoa butter. Use the mixture to massage the affected area in the direction of your heart.
Dilute up to eight drops of essential oil in a small amount of carrier oil. Add the mixture to warm bathwater.
To relieve hemorrhoids (varicose veins of the anus), add up to eight drops of diluted essential oils to a sitz bath.
Varicose Veins - Essential oils - Bergamot, CypressGeranium, Helichrysum, JuniperLavender
  Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Rosemary, Spikenard 
  Essential Oil Combinations-  Antispasmodic, System strengthener

Dr. Christopher's Complete Tissue &/or  Herbal Calcium description gives reason for Varicose veins 

Spread cottage cheese between 2 pieces of cloth and apply over varicose veins overnight 
 until gone. You can do the same thing with grated cabbage or head lettuce.

To use essential oils to induce calm and relieve pain:
Inhale directly from the bottle or from an inhaler tube.
Apply to a handkerchief or cotton pad, and inhale.
Diffuse using a room diffuser.

Vascular System - Essential oils - Cypress, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Lemongrass
         Essential Oil Combination - System strengthener
Essential oils used to increase circulation are:
Clary Sage

 Dr. Christopher's Blood Stream Formula and/or Blood Circulation Formula

Hawthorn is the primary heart health herb for good reason. It’s indicated for almost every kind of heart-related ailment, helps improve circulation, balances blood pressure, regulates cholesterol and heartbeat, and generally strengthens and tones the heart. It’s wonderful for any kind of emotional or energetic issues that are being manifested in pain or sadness carried in the chest area as well.

Motherwort helps to improve circulation and regulate the heartbeat. It works very well for people who tend toward nervousness and carry a lot of tension in the body.

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory herb that helps to prevent heart ailments and supports the body when dealing with them. It helps with improved circulation and cholesterol levels, boasts anticoagulant properties and has been shown to protect against heart disease. 

Hibiscus flowers are rich in heart-protective antioxidants and have been shown in studies to balance blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol levels.

 Rose flowers help us to feel calmer and more comfortable. Rose essential oil has been widely used in aromatherapy to help comfort and uplift the hurting heart and to bring a sense of calm when one is feeling nervous or ungrounded. The essential oil and the hydrosol have anti-inflammatory effects which indicate that, energetically, they can be used to help us let go of the things that are inflamed (causing pain) in our hearts. Rose’s antispasmodic activity further helps us to let go of the tension associated with the pain. Rose is an exemplary emotional healer for issues of the heart.

Garlic helps promote healthy circulation and may help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels. It is said to have a blood-thinning effect and has traditionally been used to help prevent heart ailments.

Ginger has been found to be able to reduce blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol levels and to have an anti-inflammatory effect. It’s especially efficient at keeping energy flowing and increasing circulation.

Nettles are incredibly rich in minerals that are necessary for the heart to function properly. Furthermore, it shows antioxidant activity, anti-inflammatory effects combined with cholesterol regulation and a decreased risk of heart issues in certain cases. Nettles have traditionally been used to help balance blood pressure as well.

  Vascular Congestion - Whey

Hanna Kroeger's - Circu Flow

Cardiovascular Health products
Vasodilator  also see Blood    - Essential oils - Lemongrass, Marjoram
Blood is the essence of life. It’s the deliverer of nutrients and oxygen, two things that keep our cells alive and thriving. It needs to get to all our body parts, but unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t. Yet, natural remedies like essential oils for circulation can give it a good boost.

Wintergreen,  is one of the best essential oils for bad blood circulation. It is 95 – 99.9% methyl salicylate. This substance acts just like aspirin because they’re closely related. The oil is absorbed into the blood and transported throughout the body. Methyl salicylate has been found to inhibit platelet aggregation.  Platelets stop bleeding by clotting and sealing an injured blood vessel. This ability can prevent blood clots that can put a life at risk.

Cinnamon  Cinnamon is one of the best essential oils for circulation. It is also one of the most studied oils/plant extracts. Cinnamaldehyde and its other compounds make it great at dissolving fat in the arteries and veins. The same study also shows that Cinnamon can protect from brain damage too.

Patchouli essential oil is an excellent vasodilator and vasorelaxant. It is also a good phlebotonic and diuretic. In other words, it’s ideal for blood vessels and cardiovascular system. Patchouli can strengthen the blood vessel walls and improve blood circulation. Patchouli oil can also stimulate the activity of the lymphatic system.

Coriander – hypotensive, vasodilator & vasorelaxant. It can also break down fats from the blood, making its passage through the veins smoother. Coriander essential oil is also diuretic and digestive.

Helichrysum – anti-inflammatory and anti-hematoma. It’s also phlebotonic (improves blood circulation).

Cistus – anti-hemorrhage and immune system booster.

 Dr. Christopher's Blood Stream Formula and/or Blood Circulation Formula
Hanna Kroeger's - Circu Flow

Garlic,  #2 link #3 link  #4 link

Veins  also see Varicose veins above  - Essential oils - Cypress, Lemon 
         Essential Oil Combination -  System strengthener

Dr. Christopher's Blood Stream Formula and/or Blood Circulation Formula

Enlarged - Horse chestnut 
Vertigo - Also see   Dizziness,Ears, Equilibrium    Essential oil - Some of the options available for managing vertigo include Peppermint, Ginger, Lavender, and Lemon essential oils. Essential oils are inhaled through an infuser or diluted in a carrier oil before being applied topically.
Thyme - You can try diffusing the oil or drinking tea made from thyme for your dizziness. 

Daisy tea or boiled crab apples.

Viral Disease  - Essential oils - Cajeput, Basil, Cinnamon, Oregano, Ravensara, Tea Tree, Thyme
Essential oil combinations -  3 in 1X-Plague, Immune System, Immu-boost ,

Garlic,  #2 link

Nature's Way - Sambucol   

 Lettuce tea - 4 to 6 oz. every hour

Viruses - They often hibernate along the spine and come out from time to time, such as cold 
 sores, lupus and shingles.  see deep spinal cleansing treatment - Click here

Essential oils - Bergamot, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Oregano, Ravensara, Rosemary, Tea Tree ThymeEssential Oil Recipes -  3 in 1X-Plague, Immune System, Immu-boost Healthy Spice, Germ Buster,   .

Nature's Way - Sambucol             
Vision - also see Eyes

Never use essential oils directly in the Eye a few drops in a carrier oil
Essential oils for macular degeneration

Frankincense oil is used to improve eyesight.
Helichrysum oil is also said to help improve vision while supporting nerve tissue.
Cypress oil triggers circulation and blood flow.
Clary Sage,   The reference to clary sage probably derives from 17th century European herbalists, but this refers to using clary sage seeds, or mucilage made from them, and not to clary sage essential oil: “The seed put into the eyes clears them from motes and such like things gotten within the lids to offend them, and it also clears them from any white and red spots which may be on them” (Culpeper 1652). Another common name for clary sage (Salvia sclarea) was “clear eye” because of this common use of the seeds, which probably pre-dated Culpeper by many years. “Clary” may derive from “clear-eye.”.

tip: I use Frankincense oil (specifically for macular degeneration) by rubbing it behind my ears and on my feet. Reflexology suggests using the pinky toe and its neighboring toe on both feet for direct access and absorption to the eyes.)

 Linden flower or  carrot juice for dim vision

 Nutmeg - 1/4 tsp in glass of hot water 

 Dr. Christopher's Herbal EyebrightBilberry Eye Support

Hanna Kroeger - Eye Formula (Pretty Eye)

Vital Centers Essential oils - Oregano, Sage,  .

We all need to release the static electricity from our bodies by going barefoot on the ground or grass for 10 or 15 min. per day (inside or with shoes or socks doesn't count)  This static electricity builds up in our bodies causing mental confusion and  frustration.
The fastest way to get rid of static electricity in the body is to let the electricity do what it wants – discharge from your body into the ground. To allow this, touch any conductive material not isolated from the ground such as the screw on a light switch's panel or a metal streetlight pole. You can also remove your shoes and socks and stand on the ground if you are outside

Vitamins -    If you get enough minerals  - your body will make it's own vitamins. 

Dr. Christopher's Vitalherbs

Vitamin A information - Cannot work without Iodine and the liver needs iodine to make energy out of  vitamin A.  Carrot juice is vitamin A with iodine. If allergic to eggs you  need more vitamin A. 

 Sometimes people think they are allergic to eggs when in fact a substance in eggs creates too much insulin.  If you have hyperglycemia don't drink carrot juice. 

Cranberry juice is recommended for people whose body is not utilizing vitamin C properly.

Vitamin C information  -
Calcium ascorbate is a natural form of vitamin C and is not acid, therefore, more people can take larger amounts without upset or diarrhea.  Calcium ascorbate replenishes the calcium that is excreted in the urine due to the chelating properties of vitamin C.  This is important to remember because people who are under-nourished (deficient) are usually deficient in calcium as well as vitamin C.  Because calcium ascorbate is non-acid (neutral), it has a much more gentle effect on the digestive system - this can be lifesaving for some.  The gentleness of calcium ascorbate allows them to take sufficient vitamin C.  When vitamin C is excreted it also increases the excretion of the essential minerals like sodium, magnesium, iron, and calcium, as well as undesirable pollutants such as mercury and lead.  The diuretic action of vitamin C increases the excretion of sodium and potassium, while the chelating action of C increases the excretion of the other minerals mentioned.  Mega-doses of C could cause a deficiency of any or all of the previously mentioned nutrients, however, calcium and magnesium are the main problems....The chelation effect of C is beneficial because it preferentially removes calcium not deposited under physiological control.  Thus, calcium deposits are mobilized and vitamin C can help reduce unwanted calcium deposits and over calcification.  However, if adequate calcium isn't ingested to replace calcium sequestered from physiologically controlled processes, then calcium deficiency occurs.  One way to guarantee that vitamin C doesn't remove more calcium than that ingested is to take vitamin C in the form of calcium ascorbate.

Natures Way vitamins

Vitamin D may reduce MS risk (multiple sclerosis) according to a study published in the January issue of "Neurology" .  Subjects in the highest quintile of vitamin D intake at baseline had a 33% reduced risk of MS compared to subjects in the lowest quintile.  To be more specific subjects taking more than  400 IU per day had a 42% reduced risk of MS compared to subjects with no supplemental intake.  Researchers found no association between vitamin D from food and MS incidence.
Voice, hoarse - Essntial Oils - JasmineEucalyptus oils help loosen mucus and soothe irritation. Add four or five drops of the essential oil to a diffusor or humidifier to disperse it throughout your home or dab some on your pillow at night.
Peppermint has antimicrobial properties that help treat a sore throat. 
Lavender has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. 
Ginger has antibacterial properties and can help reduce inflammation.

Gargle with salt water  Salt water can help kill harmful bacteria and may reduce pain. Try adding half a teaspoon of salt to an 8 ounce glass of warm water and stir to let the salt dissolve. Be careful not to swallow the salt water.
Garlic has antibacterial properties, so it may help a person get over the infection sooner.
It is easy to incorporate garlic into cooked meals. However, for those who do not like the taste of garlic, there are supplements available that have the same benefit but less flavor.
Drinking warm water helps relieve pain and inflammation, and honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance.  By fighting inflammation, it may help reduce pain and discomfort in the throat. Honey can also act as a cough suppressant.
Echinacea. ...
Void - Essential Oil Combination - Inner Self
Lavender is a great way to help induce sleep and reduce anxiety. It can be added to a spray bottle with water and sprayed on the pillow or sheets, added to a diffuser before bedtime, or rubbed into the skin on the ears or feet.
Vomiting  Also see Nausea    - Essential oils -Chamomile, Ginger, Fennel, Nutmeg, Peppermint, Rose

Lemon has benefits for reducing nausea too, especially if a digestive issue causes this symptom.
Lavender help to reduce nausea symptoms, particularly if anxiety or pain is responsible for causing them.
Cardamom was used in a blend of other essential oils in a clinical trial for post-operative nausea. The study found cardamom to be a promising anti-nausea agent when mixed with other essential oils.

Moisten a warm cloth with Apple cider vinegar and apply over abdomen. 

Chew Dill seed

WarmBlack pepper alleviates pain by warming up your body. Add a few drops in a carrier oil, and rub into your hands and feet.
Clove is often used to treat pain. It also has a warming effect on sore muscles.
 Ginger has a warming effect on sore muscles, which helps relieve pain.

 If feeling too cold - Seaweed, Kelp

Cayenne (Cayenne can be put in socks, or take capsules, etc.)

Warts -Essential oils - Cinnamon, Clove, Cypress, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Oregano (especially planter)   KidCare Wart be Gone   Antispasmodic  
Clove oil is unique because it has antiseptic properties and is known to be numbing to the skin, making it a good choice for treating painful warts.
Frankincense has astringent, antimicrobial, and wound-healing properties that may help treat warts.
Oregano oil contains compounds that give it antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and pain-killing properties. It also contains the compound carvacrol, which has been studied for its antiviral properties.
 These properties may make Oregano oil helpful for treating warts.
Tea Tree oil has been shown to exhibit antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties and to accelerate wound healing, properties that may help treat warts.

 We have always used raw potato juice on them - It takes 1 to  3 months but they always go away. 

 Milk weed "milk" or dandelion "milk" 

  Dulcamara: flat, transparent or large, brown. 
  Sabina:  itching and burning pains; bleeds easily. 
  Thuja occidentalis: brown warts, especially in anogenital area. 

Dr. Christopher's Black Ointment


Purification Essential oils -  Lemon, Orange, Peppermint (removes nitrates)

Also check out

Water, Retention  See Edema , Diuretic , Hormonal Imbalance
Diuretic essential oils treat fluid retention, which is the accumulation of water in your body's tissues. water builds up, it results in puffiness and swelling. To treat fluid retention, use juniper berry oil, cypress oil or rosemary oil.
Juniper, Chamomile, Cypress, Tea Tree, Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemon, Geranium, Grapefruit, Fennel, Rosemary,

 Watermelon seed tea or  Parsley tea 

Weakness, physical  - Essential oil - Thyme
Weight  See Hormonal Imbalance , pH Balance

Dr. Christopher's  MetaburnAppetite Appeaser

The Schwarzbein Principle "The Schwarzbein Principle" is more or less a modified low-carb diet and -- like other carb-lowering plans -- it's seen its share of controversy. The diet consists of plenty of protein and a lot of what the plan calls "good" fats (Which you will note is quite similar to The Atkins Diet.) It deletes processed foods, sugar (including artificial sweeteners), and refined foods from your diet. You'll also be saying goodbye to salt, alcohol, and caffeine.

Whooping Cough - Also see Childhood Diseases - Essential oils - Basil, Chamomile, Cinnamon,
    Clary Sage, Cypress, Eucalyptus, GrapefruitLavender, Oregano, Peppermint, Rose, Tea Tree, Thyme  

 Red clover       

Vitamin B6,
 Onion juice on soles of feet or onto back

Butterbur for whooping cough.

 Ginger tea or Thyme tea - 

Withdrawal - See Addictions
Relaxation: If you’re in rehab, we don’t have to tell you that recovery is often an emotional rollercoaster. Aromatherapy is often touted for its soothing and relaxing effects, especially when using the following oils: Inner Self,
Citrus oils blend (orange, lemon, bergamot, mandarin, lime, grapefruit)
Ylang ylang
Mental clarity: A few essential oils have been study-proven to reduce brain fog, which is a common symptom of Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). During PAWS, people in early recovery may experience mental confusion and have difficulty concentrating and/or making decisions. Oils linked to better mental clarity include: Alert, B Power, Attention Focus,
Aches and pains: Physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension and nausea are also common during early recovery. Some oils that may help alleviate physical discomfort as your body continues to heal:
 No Mo Pain, Pain - Anti-inflammatory, No Mo Pain Jr, Nerve Damage, My Graine,
Mindfulness: Learning to stay in the present moment, or practicing mindfulness, is a skill that will help you throughout various stages of your recovery.
Mindfulness helps restore emotional balance and gives you greater mental clarity to make sound, sober choices throughout recovery.
Experts suggest adding these oils to your mindfulness or meditation routine:
Grounding, Here & NowInner Self,
Rosemary has been used as an optional treatment of withdrawal syndrome during treatment programs for opium addiction and possibly addiction to other opioids.   

Using cool compresses, such as washcloths dipped in cool water or cloth-covered ice packs, can also help a person reduce a high body temperature. Taking cool-temperature baths may prove beneficial, as well.
Workaholic  - Essential oils - Basil, Geranium, Lavender, Marjoram
Worms - Also see Ringworm - Essential oils - Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree ( Melaleuca), Thyme  
The Best oils for parasites are:
Oregano helps to prevent these organisms from producing biofilm. Oregano reduces the pathogen’s ability to stick to red blood cells. It may also suppress the number of toxins the parasites were able to produce. Oregano can also help to improve the intestinal issues that often accompany parasite infection.

Thyme one of the most helpful essential oils for deworming humans. Thyme may help to increase nitric oxide. This can help to inhibit the parasites and aid in expelling them. Thyme oil may also contribute to parasite detox. It can damage the internal structures of the parasites which helps to kill them. It also helps reduce the number of larvae. Reducing the larvae may aid in combating reinfection.

Frankincense  help to prevent damage from parasite eggs. It may help to protect the liver from inflammatory chemicals that are produced when infected with parasites.

Tea Tree oil  has a lethal effect on parasite larvae.

Fennel  works well against adult worms. However, it was even more effective against the eggs and their development. It is also the oil that can help to break up biofilm. Fennel proved that it might be of benefit against drug-resistant Candida. Parasite infection can leave us vulnerable to other pathogens. Clearing out other organisms along with the parasites can make your parasite detox even more effective.

Chamomile helps to prevent parasite eggs from hatching. In addition, it helped to immobilize the adult parasites.  It may also be lethal to parasite larvae. This effect on the larvae seemed even stronger when used with other essential oils.

Black Cumin reduced the ability of the female parasites to lay eggs. It also caused the adult worms oxidative stress. This may damage the adult worm and make them more susceptible to the host’s immune system.

Clove is helpful in fighting parasites that infect the skin. It appeared to induce apoptosis or programmed cell death.

Tansy as a parasite cleanse for intestinal worms.
Ginger significant for any parasite cleanse protocol.
Cinnamon  kill the larvae. It damaged the gut of the organisms leading to lesions in their digestive system. This is thought to be what prompted their death.

 Dr. Christopher's -  Herbal Parasite Syrup

Hanna Kroeger's -  Wormwood Combination  and/or  Rascal

Parasites have developed some incredible self-defense mechanisms. This can make them difficult to eradicate. They are becoming increasingly resistant to drug therapies alone. This leaves us looking for other ways to help deal with them. Are there other methods to parasite cleanse?

Lyme can be a severe infection to treat. Lyme and parasite infection can often occur together. Parasites can carry Lyme inside them, resulting in more than one type of infection. A constituent in oregano oil called carvacrol helped to work against the Lyme’s ability to multiply.

Parasite detox is often focused on internal parasites that have infected the digestive tract. This is, of course, a critical part of the body to parasite cleanse. But we also need to be aware of parasites that first attack the skin. They then infect the rest of the body through the blood.

White figs and their juice can paralyze any worm which includes tapeworm, pinworm, and roundworm.
Wonderful Information on Worm - Parasites

Garlic boiled in milk and drink. 

Pomegranate helps prevent. 

1/2 cup pumpkin seeds a day on an empty stomach.

Worry - Essential oil - Bergamot
Valerian has a mild sedative effect on the body.
Lavender - Enjoy a relaxing lavender bath by combining several drops of lavender oil with a teaspoon of carrier oil
Inhaling Jasmine oil can promote a sense of well-being and romance. Unlike some other essential oils used for anxiety, jasmine oil is thought to calm the nervous system without causing sleepiness.
Holy Basil is an adaptogenic herb that has shown promise in treating physical and mental stress.
Sweet Basil help calm the mind and relieve stress and anxiety.
Using  Rose aromatherapy footbath can reduce anxiety in pregnant women during labor.
Wounds  - Essential oils - Bergamot, Cajeput, Chamomile, Clove, Cypress, Elemi, Eucalyptus
  Frankincense, Geranium, Juniper, Lavender, Myrrh, Patchouli, Ravensara, Rose, Rosemary
   Tarragon, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), Thyme,
X PlagueX Bacteria, Owie Stick, Boo Boo Better,
Wrinkles - Essential oils - Carrot, Cistus, Clary Sage, Elemi, Fennel, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender
  Lemon, Myrrh, Orange, Oregano, Patchouli, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Spikenard, Thyme Ylang-ylang
Here are top essential oils that could help people reduce the appearance of wrinkles:
Lemon reduces damage caused by oxidation. Thus, it has become a commonly used ingredient in anti-aging skincare products that helps to prevent sun damage, which subsequently leads to wrinkles.

Sandalwood has wrinkle-defying qualities. It contains a high amount of sesquiterpenes, which help skin to constantly renew itself. When your skin can recover from any damage (sun or otherwise), you’ll look better, and your skin will feel smoother. Some of the best spots to use Sandalwood are around the eyes or lips – but be careful not to get it directly into those sensitive areas.

Clary Sage. Find that you’re still suffering from acne even in your later years? Don’t worry! Who said that acne was only for teens anyway? Clary Sage is an essential oil that is perfect for those who need an antiseptic and antibacterial oil. It’s known for having the power to reduce skin inflammation, irritation, and rashes. When you’re looking for something to tighten up any loose skin, especially around your eyes, this is one of the best essential oils for face wrinkles.

Rose  can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Rose has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce face redness and puffiness that plague you when you look in the mirror or at a photograph. It can boost skin cell renewal and keep the skin looking youthful for longer.

Frankincense  can be quite the gift for your skin if you’re struggling with wrinkles. Frankincense essential oil is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. It also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which will help your skin recover from any damage or wrinkles already present and slow down the development of any more
Carrot seed. Another way in which to prevent the skin from the effects of environmental aging, is through the use of carrot seed oil. This essential oil is rich in flavonoids and carotenoids both of which can help to prevent inflammation, regenerate vitamin A and E to repair damaged skin and protect the skin from sun damage and other free radicals.

Drink to hydrate the skin Omega 3's are very helpful
X -             Dr. Christopher's X-Ceptic
Yeast seeCandida - Essential oil -  Oregano

Coconut oil has antifungal properties and has been shown to combat the Candida albicans yeast. Raw organic coconut oil can be applied internally or externally to ease symptoms.
Warmed coconut oil can also be used as a carrier oil for more powerful antifungal essential oils, including
Tea Tree oil or Oregano.
Candida (yeast overgrowth)
- Essential oils - Bergamot, Lavender, Myrrh, Tea Tree, Thyme
There are different ways to use essential oils to treat bacterial vaginosis, including mixing it with coconut oil (or another carrier oil) and soaking a tampon in it. Insert the tampon into the vagina and remove it after an hour. Remove it sooner if there is any irritation. Repeat this a few times per day. Don’t sleep with a diluted Tea Tree tampon in place.
see Candida
Vaginal thrush - douche with cultured yogurt or insert acidolphus tablets

 Infection- Essential oils - Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Juniper, Lavender, Rosemary,
  Sage, Thyme 
 Inflammation of Vagina - Essential oils - EucalyptusLavender, Tea Tree
 Vaginitis- Essential oils - Recipe taken from Valerie Worwood's book  1 Lavender, 1 Tea Tree
                1 tsp vinegar,  1/2 tsp lemon juice, and 2 1/2 cups of warm water mixed thoroughly.

 Dr. Christopher's Herbal Iron   also see Vaginal Bolus Formula

Yoga - Essential oils  - Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Spruce

  Yoga magazine and information

  Click here for yoga postures site

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Deet vs. Catnip essential oil. 
How & where to use essential oils.
Diabetes - New Approaches To An Old and Growing Problem
How to recognize when someone is having a stroke
Importance of Hormones in our Body and their effect on our system
Compulsory Vaccination
Morgellon's Disease  nightmare disease
Aromatherapy, Myth, Magic, or Medicine
Are Secret Vaccinations Killing Soldiers?
A Quick Reference guide using Essential Oils for Emotions
Belly Diminishing Foods
Symptom of Blocked Chakra Emotion and some physical manifestations
Essential Oils have a Frequency

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