Homeopathics - Cell Salts 
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• Homeopathics


Homeopathic singles (250 tabs)

Colds/flu - first stages, sudden onset; worse from dry, cold wind. - Only if taken in first few minutes.
Phobias,  panic/anxiety attacks, shock, labor  
Allium Cepa
Colds/flu - sneezing, burning nasal discharge, red watery eyes; worse in warm room. 
 Hayfever -  sneezing, burning nasal discharge, red watery eyes; worse in warm room.
Antimonium Tart
Cough/bronchitis - rattling mucus; cough; feels weak, drowsy; sweats;  thickly coated white tongue. 
Laryngitis -   rattling mucus;  little expectorated. 
Apis Mell
Burns - swelling, stinging pain with redness; better from cold applications.
Hives - burning, stinging, better from cool applications.
Arnica Montana
Injuries/bruises - first remedy for use after injury; especially bruises, black  & blue marks. 
Muscle/joint pain - first remedy for muscle aches and trauma 
Sprains/strains/over exercising - first remedy to reduce painful effects.
Arsenicum Alb
Colds/flu - burning eyes, extreme chills; restlessness, exhaustion. 
Indigestion - nausea, retching, vomiting after eating spoiled food. 
Fatigue - with fear, worry; chilly and desires fresh air. 
Colds/flu - feels hot, very sensitive to light, noise, motion; sudden onset. 
Fever - feels hot; very sensitive to light, noise, motion; thirstless. 
Headaches - sudden onset; throbbing pain; very sensitive to light, noise,  motion.
Colds/flu - dry chest cold, worse from movement; irritable
Arthritis/rheumatism - pain stiffness worse from any touch, movement
Calc Phos
Arthritis/rheumatism - cold or crawling sensation.
Muscle/joint pain - joint pain with cold, crawling sensation.
Burns - blisters with rawness and burning pains; better from warm applications.
Carbo Veg
Gas/belching - stomach feels full, tense; worse at night.
Gas/flatulence  - abdomen greatly distended, better from passing wind. 
Indigestion - acid stomach; excessive gas; some relief from belching.
Insomnia/sleeplessness - in infants; want to be carried.
Teething/colic - feels hot, extremely irritable, peevish.
Ferrum Phos 
Fever - pale face; early stages; exhaustion. 
Nosebleeds - especially in children. 
Arthritis/rheumatism - puffy joints, worse from motion, better from cold  applications
Colds/flu - weakness, trembling, drowsiness; summer cold. 
Headaches - as if tight band around head; drowsy. 
Fever - aches all over; weakness, trembling, dull, drowsy feeling.
Hepar Sulph Calc
Acne - moist; extremely sensitive to dry, cold air, touch. 
Cold sores/fever blisters - yellowish, very sensitive to touch.
Injuries/bruises - nerve-rich areas such as fingers, toes, etc.; very sensitive to touch 
Cuts & wounds - in nerve rich areas; fingers, toes, etc.; very painful; wounded parts feel numb and cold.
Insomnia/sleeplessness - due to emotional upset, grief, or shock; feels hopeless.
Asthma - violent cough, chest constriction, choking.
Headaches - left-sided; worse heat, after sleep, tight clothing. 
Sore throat - worse left side, tightness around neck, swallowing. 
PMS - better with menses; worse after sleep, heat. 
Menopause - hot flashes, headache; worse from heat, after sleep. 
Ledum Pal
Cuts & wounds - minor puncture wounds. 
Insect bites/stings - particularly if affected parts are cold or numb; feels worse from heat
   (some have suggested for Lyme disease)
Mag Phos
Dysmenorrhea - spasmodic pains; better warmth, bending double.
Merc Viv
Colds/flu - sneezing; copious, raw nasal discharge; foul smelling breath & sweat. 
Sinusitis - greenish, yellow mucus; bad taste in mouth. 
Sore throat - breath & sweat smell foul, intense thirst.
Nux Vomica
Headaches - after overindulgence in food/drink. 
Constipation - frequent urging, passing only small quantities; person is often irritable, impatient 
Gas/flatulence - flatulent distension; spasms; irritable, impatient. 
Indigestion - overindulgence in food, alcohol, drugs; impatient, irritable. 
PMS - irritable, spasmodic, chilly; desires stimulants. 
Cough/bronchitis - dry burning cough with hoarseness; worse from cold air, talking; thirsty for cold drinks. 
Dysmenorrhea - scanty, irregular flow; painful; restless, thirstless; better from fresh air. 
Rhus Tox
Arthritis/rheumatism - worse after rest, better after limbering up. 
Sciatica - restless, worse from cold, damp weather; better after limbering up, warmth. 
Tendinitis - worse after rest, better after limbering up, warmth. 
Cold sores/fever blisters - itchy blisters; person restless. 
Sprains/strains/over exercising - worse after rest, better after limbering up,
Ruta Grav
Tendinitis - tendon strains; bruised feeling. 
Injuries/bruises - bruised pains in limbs, joints, bones, tendons, worse lying down & in cold weather.  Use after Arnica.
Sprains/strains/over exercising - sprains; bruised feeling; worse lying down & in cold weather.  For use after Arnica. 
Muscle/joint pain - bruised pains in limbs, joints, bones, tendons, worse lying down & in cold weather.  Use after Arnica.
PMS - anxiety, fear, sadness; indifferent; feels cold even in warm room. 
Dysmenorrhea - menstrual pain; irregular menses; heaviness in abdomen; better from exercise; feels cold even in warm room. 
Menopause - hot flashes, with chill and sweat; fatigue; better from exercise. 
Asthma symptoms - dry chest constriction; dry, barking cough; wheezing; hoarseness; worse in cold air, better from warm drinks. 
Cough/bronchitis - dry, barking cough; better from eating, drinking.
Diarrhea - morning diarrhea driving one from bed; anal spasms. 
Acne - dry, itchy skin; worse from heat, bathing. 
Eczema/skin rashes - dry, itchy, red, burning; worse from heat, bathing. 
Veratrum Alb
Diarrhea - forcibly expelled, copious, with cramps, chills, sweat, exhaustion. 
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• Homeopathics
Cell Salts -  
They now come in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice  and 500 tablets or 1000 tablets.
Calc Fluor    6X or 30x
Backache - low back pain better after moving about  
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Calc Phos
Arthritis/rheumatism - cold or crawling sensation. 
Muscle/joint pain - joint pain with cold, crawling sensation
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Calc Sulph    6X or 30x
Acne - pimples at edge of hair, bleed when scratched 
Eczema/skin rashes -dry eczema; yellowish scabs.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Ferrum Phos    6X or 30x
Fever - pale face; early stages; exhaustion. 
Nosebleeds - especially in children.
Arthritis/rheumatism - puffy joints, worse from motion, better from cold applications.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Kali Mur    6X or 30x
Cough/bronchitis - bronchial congestion; white or gray tongue; thick white mucus.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Kali Phos     6X or 30x
Insomnia/sleeplessness - from excitement, worry, overwork.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Kali Sulph    6X or 30x
Colds/flu - rattling mucus in chest. 
Cough/bronchitis - rattling mucus in chest.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Mag Phos     6X or 30x
Dysmenorrhea - spasmodic pains; better warmth, bending double
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Natrum Mur   6X or 30x
Headaches - migraine; throbbing; may be one-sided; worse from heat, sun. 
Cold sores/fever blisters - dry blisters; person is chilly, thirsty. 
PMS - weepy, irritable, consolation aggravates.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Natrum Phos    6X or 30x
Indigestion - acid indigestion; sour taste, yellow coating on tongue.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Natrum Sulph    6X or 30x
Asthma - rattling in chest, worse from dampness, wet weather.  Attacks often follow head colds. 
Cough/bronchitis - thick, ropy, greenish expectoration.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Silicea    6X or 30x
Constipation - before, during menstruation; stool recedes when partially expelled. 
Splinters - helps to expel splinters.
Comes in 6x - or 30x - strengths - sameprice
Tissue Salts
Biochemic Phosphates (500 tabs)
Biochemic Phosphates (1000 tabs)
Bioplasma   (combination of all 12 salts)

Hanna Kroeger product line has Nosodes that can be obtained without a prescription

  Here is a partial list of some of her Vibropathics (homeopathics)
See at this link  

• Homeopathics

They come in liquid form 6X potency, 1 oz. bottle except 
* ones which are in tablet form 6X potency, 30cc bottle
Call our toll free number 888-469-4950 or  e-mail us at  Lynne@zhealthinfo.com  about others
Chicken pox
T.B. Residue*

Link to more CELL SALT information

& Flu
& Sinusitis
Tonics & Syrups Gels & 
Headache Top of page
Winter Aides

Potency Chart
Potency  Affects Who 
Should Use
of Dose
6X, 12X
6C, 12C
Body organs, Symptoms of acute conditions Lay people & practitioners From: Every 1/4 hour 
To: Every 4 hours
Body organs plus senses & nervous system. Symptoms of chronic conditions Experienced lay people & practitioners From: 
Once a day
3 times a day
1M, 10M,
LM1, LM6, LM18
Body organs plus senses & nervous system plus mind & emotions.  Deep acting.  Practitioners only From: 
Once a month
Once a year
(LM: once or twice a day)
Which is better, tablets or pellets?

     Both forms have been used successfully by homeopaths for over a century.  Some practitioners prefer pellets because they were the first form to be used.   Others prefer tablets because they are composed of potentized medicine throughout while pellets have liquid medicine added to them. 
     While both are probably equal from the standpoint of efficacy, tablets have certain advantages over pellets: Tablets are easily crushed for administering to children who resist medication. They dissolve faster than pellets.  It is easier to measure out the proper dose.  And the fact that tablets are more convenient to take may increase compliance with the doctor's instructions or the directions on the label.

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   Homeopathic Remedy Finder

     It is a breeze to navigate and understand, especially for those new to homeopathy. 
Their goal is to make the task of selecting remedies easier and faster. 

Excellent resource -  https://www.homeopathic.org
Online Remedy Finder click here
Free E-zine and other Homeopathic information and resources - https://www.hpathy.com/

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