Radiation Prevention and Detox

Don’t wait until you have already suffered from the effects of radiation


Radiation exposure causes approximately 3% of all cancers: it causes the
formation of a very reactive free radical called a “hydroxyradical.” The
detoxification ability of glutathione (GSH) plays a key role in neutralizing
Studies conducted around the world -- from Switzerland to
Spain to India to Germany -- show the effect of glutathione (GSH) on
radiation damage. This is why cancer specialists are now raising glutathione
(GSH) levels in cancer patients who are undergoing radiation “therapy.”
Detoxification benefits from boosted glutathione (GSH) levels help cancer
patients better tolerate the radiation exposure.

Low levels of glutathione (GSH) are connected with an increased risk of
developing cancer from radiation exposure.
And people undergoing radiation
treatment for cancer experienced stronger negative effects and greater
injury when they have low glutathione (GSH) levels, because white blood
immune cells are better able to withstand radiation “therapy” when cancer
specialists raised glutathione (GSH) prior to treatment.

Where to get glutathione: Oral supplements may be useless. However, high
quality whey protein will give your body the precursors to manufacture
glutathione so your liver can deal with the extra toxic load.

At the time of the atomic bombing during World War II, Dr. Tatsuichiro
Akizuki was Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis's
Hospital in Nagasaki. He fed his staff and patients a strict diet of brown
rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame, kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido
pumpkin, and sea salt. He also prohibited the consumption of sugar and
sweets since they suppress the immune system. No one succumbed to radiation
poisoning, whereas the occupants of hospitals located much further away from
the blast incident suffered severe radiation fatalities.

Sea vegetables, including kelp, contain the polysaccharide sodium alginate,
which selectively binds radioactive particles of strontium and escorts them
out of the body. (This was discovered by a research team at McGill
University of Montreal, headed by Dr. Stanley Skoryna, in 1968.) Sodium
alginate also binds with other metal pollutants such as excess barium,
cadmium and zinc.

This is why various seaweeds and algae are typically used to treat radiation
victims. Chernobyl,
spirulina was used to help save many children from radiation poisoning. By
taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the Institute of Radiation
Medicine in Minsk also proved that children on this protocol experienced
enhanced immune systems, increased T-cell counts (T-cells are soldiers of
the immune system), and reduced radioactivity levels.

. And since that time the Russians have been researching the use of their
own kelps from Vladivlostok, from which they have isolated the
polysaccharide U-Fucoidan, which is another radioactive detoxifier.

Chlorella algae, which builds immune response and helps eliminate heavy
metals, has also shown radioprotective effects. Because they bind heavy
metals, algae should be consumed after exposure to any type of radioactive
contamination. (Israeli scientists have also treated Chernobyl children with
doses of natural beta carotene from Dunaliella algae to help normalize their
blood chemistry.)

Yet another benefit of the sea vegetables rarely discussed is their high
mineral content, which is a bonus in the case of radioactive exposure.
Consuming natural iodine, such as in the seaweeds, helps prevent the uptake
of iodine-131 while iron inhibits the absorption of plutonium-238 and
plutonium-239. Vitamin B-12 inhibits cobalt-60 uptake (used in nuclear
medicine), zinc inhibits zinc-65 uptake and sulfur is preventative for
sulfur-35 (a product of nuclear reactors) incorporation by the body.

Where to get sea vegetables:

Maine Coast Sea Vegetables

Sodium Alginate: can be purchased in capsule form from Allergy Research
(also called Nutricology)

Where to get iodine:


Because miso soup is so effective in helping prevent radiation sickness,
Japanese researchers have identified the presence of an active ingredient
called zybicolin, discovered in 1972, which acts as a binding agent to also
detoxify and eliminate radioactive elements (such as strontium) and other
pollutants from the body.

Where to get miso: Any good health food store. Asian Markets also have miso.
Make sure to get organic miso! Otherwise, it will likely be made with
Genetically Engineered (GE) soy. Those sensitive to gluten should get miso
made with rice, not wheat or barley.


The kelps and algaes aren't the only natural foods with radio-detoxifying
effects. Green tea has proven "radioprotective effects" whether consumed
either before or after exposure to radiation. Studies from Japan and China
also suggest that the ingredients in tea are radioactive antagonists.

Where to get green tea: Any health food store, Trader Joe’s, and even
Make sure your green tea is organic. The plant naturally draws
up fluoride through its roots. You don’t want extra fluoride. Also, it
appears that green tea may negate the effects of some other herbs.


Nuclear workers potentially exposed to radioactive sulfur need a higher
content of sulfur in their diet. MSM supplements provide a source of dietary
sulfur. And -thiol supplements such as cysteine, lipoic acid and glutathione
also help detoxify the body, as well as address other health problems.

An anti-radiation diet should focus on
the following foods:

· Miso soup

· Spirulina, chlorella and algae (kelp, etc.)

· Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables

· Beans and lentils

· Potassium, calcium and mineral rich foods

· High nucleotide content foods to assist in cellular repair including
spirulina, chlorella, algae, yeast, sardines, liver, anchovies and mackerel

· Cod liver oil

· Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat

· A good multivitamin/multimineral supplement


Depleted uranium is currently in the journalistic spotlight because US
weapons are made from this material, and after being fired leave a legacy of
depleted uranium dust in the environment, which anyone can absorb. Because
the kidneys are usually the first organs to show chemical damage upon
uranium exposure, military manuals suggest doses or infusions of sodium
bicarbonate (just plain old soda) to help alkalinize the urine if this happens. This makes the
uranyl ion less kidney-toxic and promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium
carbonate complex.

Dangers for Human Health From Radiation Poisoning: Questions and Answers

By Simeon Bennett – Mar 15, 2011

The danger of radiation leaks from Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant is rising after explosions at the site caused by Japan’s earthquake and tsunami, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said today.

As of 10:22 a.m. local time, radiation as high as 400 millisieverts was detected at the plant’s No. 3 reactor, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said at a briefing. That’s 20 times the annual limit for nuclear industry employees and uranium miners, according to the World Nuclear Association, a London-based advocate for the nuclear energy industry. A radiation dose of 100 millisieverts a year is the lowest level at which any increase in cancer is evident, the London-based WNA said on its website.

“This is a level that could harm people,” Edano said. The station is about 220 kilometers (135 miles) north of Tokyo.

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about radiation poisoning. The information is drawn from the World Nuclear Association, the Science Media Centres of Japan and Australia, the World Health Organization in Geneva, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington.

Q: How does the situation at Fukushima compare with the 1986 disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine, and 1979 Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania? A: The International Atomic Energy Agency has rated the seriousness of the nuclear situation at the Fukushima reactors as 4 on a scale of 7. Three Mile Island was rated as 5/7 while Chernobyl was rated 7/7. Each additional point on this scale represents a factor of ten, so the situation at Fukushima is 1/10th as serious as that at Three Mile Island, and 1/1000 that at Chernobyl.

Q: What level of radiation is dangerous to human health? A: One hundred millisieverts a year is the lowest level at which any increase in cancer is clearly evident. Above this, the probability of cancer occurrence increases with higher doses.

A cumulative dose of 1,000 millisieverts would increase the incidence of fatal cancer by about 5 percent. A single dose of 1,000 millisieverts causes temporary radiation sickness and decreased white blood cell count, but not death. A single dose of 5,000 millisieverts would kill about half those receiving it within a month.

Air crew on flights over the North Pole between New York and Tokyo are exposed to about 9 millisieverts of radiation a year, and a chest x-ray radiates about 0.1 millisieverts. Humans are exposed to about 2 millisieverts a year from naturally occurring radiation in soil and cosmic rays.

Q: What are the health consequences of radiation? A: Exposure to high levels of radiation can cause acute radiation syndrome, or radiation poisoning, resulting in substantial damage to human body tissues, premature aging and possibly death. Prolonged exposure to lower levels is also associated with increased risk of ill health.

Q: How is radioactive contamination spread? A: People who are externally contaminated with radioactive material can contaminate other people or surfaces that they touch. For example, people who have radioactive dust on their clothing may spread the radioactive dust when they sit in chairs or hug other people.

People who are internally contaminated can expose people near them to radiation from the radioactive material inside their bodies. The body fluids (blood, sweat, urine) of an internally contaminated person can contain radioactive materials. Coming in contact with these body fluids can result in contamination and/or exposure.

Q: What are the symptoms of radiation poisoning? A: The first symptoms of acute radiation syndrome are typically nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. These symptoms can start within minutes to days of exposure and can last for days. After that, a person with acute radiation syndrome may look and feel healthy for a short time, then become sick again with loss of appetite, fatigue, fever and possibly seizures and coma. This stage may last a few hours or several months. Radiation poisoning also typically causes skin damage.

Q: How is radiation poisoning treated? A: Potassium iodide can be used to block radioactive iodine from being taken into the thyroid gland, protecting it from injury. It cannot protect other parts of the body or reverse damage to the thyroid once it has occurred. Prussian blue, a dye used by artists and manufacturers since 1704, can also be used to remove certain radioactive materials from the body. It should only be used under medical supervision.

Q: What is being done to protect human health? A: Japan has distributed 230,000 units of stable iodine to evacuation centers from the area around Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini nuclear power plants. The iodine has not yet been administered to residents; the distribution is a precautionary measure in the event that this is determined to be necessary.

Q: What is the worst-case scenario? A: It depends on how much radiation leaks and the prevailing weather conditions. Radioactive iodine, or I-131, is heavier than air and won’t spread far in mild wind. Iodine 131 has a half-life of eight days, meaning it takes eight days of decay to decrease by half.

Q: How do radioactive materials contaminate food? A: Atomic bomb tests in Nevada during the 1950s and 1960s released I-131 into the atmosphere that was blown thousands of miles away. Animals grazing on pastures contaminated with I-131 had the radioactive material in their milk, which poisoned some children. People exposed to I-131 may have an increased risk of thyroid cancer.

Q: What is ionizing radiation? A: Ionizing radiation is the energy or particles produced by unstable atoms of radioactive materials. Humans are exposed to low levels of radiation naturally from the Earth and the sun.

Q: What risk does Cesium-137 pose? A: External exposure to large amounts of Cs-137 can cause burns, acute radiation sickness and even death. Exposure to Cs-137 can increase the risk for cancer because of exposure to high-energy gamma radiation. Internal exposure to Cs-137, through ingestion or inhalation, allows the radioactive material to be distributed in the soft tissues, especially muscle tissue, exposing these tissues to the beta particles and gamma radiation and increasing cancer risk.

If your thryoid isn't working as it should. You need to strengthen your thryoid.
Iodine is what strengthens your thryoid.  Kelp and Dulse are high in iodine  NOW has a potassium plus iodine
Grandma's Herbs has Thyroid formula which contains herbs that assist in the feeding, nourishing and balancing of the thyroid gland.
Herbs to concider for your thyroid;
Nettle It is said to uplift a weary body, reduce fatigue and also improve thyroid and flush toxins from the syste.
Essential Oils to consider;
Frankincense essential oil - Good for seizures, the skin, anxiety, healing, and has been used for cancers & other infections.
Black Cumin - a thick oil that can double as a carrier oil has a complex structure and has said to "cure every illness but death".
Lavender is used for a plethora of items and has been recommended for use with radiation.
Spinal Touch has some products;
ADK Plus Rich in plant source minerals. Thyroid and blood support.

Thyroid Plus
is a Nutritional support for the Thyroid and Pituitary glands.
Hanna Kroeger has vibropathics  Vibropathics and How they work read more here > > >
R.A. Fallout Natural resistance is strongest when we are prepared for seasonal changes.
Chem-X  vibropathic

Western Botanical has  Thyroid Formula
Dr. Christopher products   
Black Walnut hull - A good one to use for radiation, also contains a good source of iodine.

Heavy metal bugleweed. - Helps draw out drugs, and other pollutants in the body
HERBAL CLEANSING KIT. - There is not one person that couldn't benefit from a healthier, cleaner body. This is our full body cleanse kit.



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