Pain and Inflammation

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There is nothing that dampens motivation quite like pain. The pain of injury or over-doing may be tolerable. But chronic pain, joint stiffness, swelling and inflammation that persist can be very discouraging. Pain is our body's most effective way to get our attention alerting us that something is wrong. Once alerted it is important that we listen and take the appropriate action to resolve the cause. Unfortunately, slick advertisers have educated us that the best way to deal with pain is to take a pain-relieving drug. Most of us have become savvy to the fact that most drugs are designed to manage or control symptoms and NOT assist in the healing or recovery process. While a pain reliever may help you make it through the day or through a long night, what you really want is something that you can do to improve, not cover up. Fortunately, there is hope and there can be lasting relief.

While there are over 100 different kinds of arthritis, there are two main types: Degenerative arthritis also called Osteoarthritis and Inflammatory arthritis also called Rheumatoid Arthritis. The treatment recommendations are very similar, with only a few variations, but those who are willing to make a few changes can literally get their life back. An active life without joint pain is pretty wonderful.

Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the result of progressive wearing away of cartilage and other structures that cushion the bones where they meet. As these tissues wear away, the bones at the joint begin to erode and no longer move smoothly and easily. The body responds to this irritation by depositing minerals or calcium at the joints forming bone spurs. The person with osteoarthritis becomes cold and stiff down to the bones. Whether this degenerative arthritic condition is the result of an old injury (post-traumatic arthritis) or "wear and tear" from many years of hard use or even lack of use, the tissues need to be nourished and restored to eliminate the pain. What is needed by the person with this type of arthritis is warmth, flexibility and an increase in the body's power to dissolve the excess minerals deposited in the joints. If we can increase the body's dissolving forces, we can loosen the grip of excessive mineralization, thereby dissolving the painful deposits affecting the joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Inflammatory arthritis can be considered the opposite of osteoarthritis. This type of arthritis includes rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriatic arthritis and Reiter's syndrome. Think of these types of arthritis in terms of stagnation. Inflammatory arthritis is the condition in which our tissues, in particular the tissues of our muscular and skeletal systems, become waterlogged and have unhealthy, stagnant pockets of fluid that become stiff, achy and inflamed. The inflammation settles into the cartilage and cushioning structures of the joints and if left untreated will eventually destroy the affected joint.

While there are many common factors in the treatment of these two types of arthritis, some of the remedies are specific to the type. Our first objective is to get some relief from the painful and inflamed joints that you are suffering with. As follows are some of the herbal remedies that we have found to be very effective in relieving pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis as well as many diseases and illnesses that have an inflammatory component (such as Alzheimer's - inflammation in the brain).


Anti-Inflammation Formula - 3 capsules - twice daily. This powerful yet safe product will effectively reduce and eliminate the inflammation and pain of arthritis, irritable bowel complaints such as IBS and Crohn's Disease. In addition, studies even show that the herbs turmeric and boswellia (the main herbs in this formula) benefit many other conditions ranging from Alzheimer's, diabetes and can even be cancer preventing.

Nerve Calm Formula - both a sedative and anti-spasmodic designed to relax, sedate and relieve tension and muscle spasm associated with pain.

Pain Relief Formula - Non-narcotic pain relief, particularly suited for chronic pain. Relaxes and calms nervous irritation associated with pain.

Deep Heat Ointment - This deep and penetrating product warms and soothes aching joints and muscles. These products can be intensified by applying after a hot shower or bath.

Arnica Oil/Extract - Used topically to relieve pain associated with injury or inflammation.

White Willow bark Extract or Capsules - The very first aspirin (salicylic acid) used by Native Americans. Unlike the over-the-counter drug, white willow bark contains all of the supporting nutrients that will prevent unwanted side-effects such as stomach irritation.

Secondly, some modifications of your diet will allow your body to heal and become more flexible and active. Almost all arthritis, joint pain and inflammation respond positively to a healthy, nourishing, wholesome diet. Nutrition is based on two things. What you eat and what you don't eat. You must eat the health building nutritious foods and you must not eat the health-robbing foods. The issue is to focus on quality and stop putting into your body devitalized, denatured, and chemically altered processed foods. Don't interpret this to mean that you can never have ice cream or desserts again. Think in terms of high quality foods and treats. What we ask is to eat healthier, better tasting, better quality food and get rid of the processed toxic-chemical laden foods. In essence, what is described below is the farmers' diet of 150 years ago. Healthy, robust, very satisfying and delicious.

AVOID In Your Diet:

Processed and Junk Foods. All empty and devitalized foods should be avoided. Read the labels and don't eat foods with chemical additives.

Processed Oils. Devitalized oils (such as most commercial vegetable oils and hydrogenated oils) interfere with the body's prostaglandins causing inflammation. Avoid Crisco shortening, all margarines, canola oil, corn oil and any oil that is not cold-pressed, extra virgin.

Fruit juices and sweets made from corn syrup or high fructose corn syrup. These not only harm the immune system, but make the body more prone to inflammation.

Soda pop, especially diet soda which contain aspartame. Many who suffer from joint pain and inflammation experience complete pain relief just by getting off the dangerous and harmful chemicals that are added to so many of our foods. Cutting back will not help. You've got to get completely off these mass marketed toxins.

EMPHASIZE in Your Diet

  • Raw butter and cream: 4 TBS/per day - these unheated fats are the carriers of warmth in the world of food and can protect us against the cold, dry stiffness of osteoarthritis. Butterfat contains a nutrient known as the anti-stiffness factor. Animal studies found that virtually any animal can be made arthritic by feeding it a low-fat diet, which includes skim and low-fat milk products. The animals' arthritis was reversed by feeding them fresh, raw (un-pasteurized) cream or butter. Raw butter is recommended for those with osteoarthritis, however, those with Rheumatoid arthritis just need butter (pasteurized is okay). Think: low-fat equals pain. Eating healthy fats/oils will lubricate your joints, relieving pain.
  • Lacto-fermented vegetables (such as sauerkraut and kim-chi) have been shown to provide the enzymes that help the body metabolize and process the anti-stiffness factor. Sauerkraut is easy to make or can be purchased in the refrigerated section of the health food store.
  • Organic Eggs - a rich source of nutrients that help to heal and rebuild the tissues.
  • Bone Broths - beef or chicken bones/cartilage that is simmered for 6 to 24 hours will be rich in factors that nourish and repair the cartilage in your joints. Include this as a daily ingredient in your soups, stews and sauces.
  • Sea Salt should be used liberally. There are many brands that are good, just make sure that it is pure sea salt that has not been refined or processed.

Finally, it is important that we move our bodies. Surprisingly, more damaging to the body than hard work is inactivity. An active lifestyle that includes hard work and hard play is much less damaging than a sedentary, careful life. I liken it to a door hinge. The hinge that is constantly in use, even though it may require occasional maintenance or oil, will last much longer than the hinge that rusts and tightens due to lack of use. So as follows are a few suggestions for you to consider.


Chiropractic - an adjustment by a skilled chiropractor can provide significant relief as you nourish your joints back to health. Just as the tire on a misaligned or unbalanced car will wear out faster than it should, so also will your spine experience more pressure and wear if your back is out of alignment. A skilled chiropractor can find even subtle imbalances and set things right, relieving the pain and pressure.

Massage therapy - a skilled massage therapist can not only soothe aching muscles associated with joint pain but help to increase the circulation, speeding up the healing process. Remember, muscles move bones and bones can pinch nerves. Relax and balance the muscles and you will feel oh so much better. In addition, there are great psychological benefits of a good massage to calm the troubled mind.

Yoga - stretching combined with breathing. Begin a daily practice and experience the benefits of strength and flexibility enjoyed by so many of the elderly throughout the world.

Castor Oil packs/compress - This remedy for many is the first choice for pain and stiffness of both types of arthritis. Castor oil supplies stimulating warmth to the cold, over-mineralized (calcium deposits) joints of the osteoarthritis sufferer, but also has an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect for the swollen joints of the rheumatoid/inflammatory arthritis sufferer. Simply saturate a cloth with castor oil, place on the painful joint or area and warm with a heating pad for 60 to 90 minutes. This can be done every other day.

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.These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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