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Garden essence oils

October 2012   

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Natural Cold Prevention

Place a small condiment dish filled with apple cider vinegar in a hidden spot or corner. The smell isn’t pleasant, but if it’s stowed behind a jar or the coffee maker no one will notice. This is a nice way to neutralize airborne germs. Cool!

Natural Cleaners Help - Safely Cut Down on the Spread of Germs

White vinegar. Who would have thought that one liquid could clean everything from windows to toilets, sinks to tile. Keep a spray bottle of half water and half vinegar handy and use it on mirrors, windows and for brightening water faucets. It shines metal and removes mildew, grease and wax build-up. Put vinegar full strength in the toilet, let it sit for 20 minutes and then scrub as usual. Mix in a little baking soda and let it foam on tile and grout. Or put it with a few drops of tea tree essential oil or eucalyptus essential  oil in a bucket of hot water and you have a great floor cleaner. For the oven, mix 4 Tbsp. vinegar, 3 drops of liquid dish soap and 5 Tbsp. baking soda into a paste. Apply to spills with a sponge. Let sit for 45 minutes and scrub clean.

Baking soda. Aside from the aforementioned concoctions, replace your kitchen cleanser with this inexpensive cooking ingredient on tubs and sinks. And it’s for more than making "volcanoes" with children. The foaming action created by mixing it with vinegar can cut through the toughest scum.

Lemons. Don’t pucker up at this one. Cut a lemon in half and sprinkle coarse salt over kitchen countertops. Now use the lemon, cut side down, as a scourer. It will freshen and clean at the same time. Just wipe with a clean, wet cloth when done. Then squeeze out the juice and put in a medium microwave-safe bowl. Place in the microwave and run on high for 1 minute. It will rid it of any leftover odors. Finally, cut the lemon into smaller chunks and send it down the garbage disposal. It will freshen and de-grease it in the process. That’s multi-tasking! Lemon juice can also be used to cut grease on aluminum and porcelain. It will whiten in the process, too.

Salt. As already mentioned, it’s great when used as a scourer, and salt water has an antibacterial effect. It can also be used to remove rust strains and soap scum.

For more tips, consider Candita Clayton's book, "Clean Your Home Healthy," Martha Stewart's "Whole Living" magazine, or the website These are just a few of the numerous resources available.

Several Dangerous Errors are Built into the USDA Food Pyramid
According to the recommendations, grains should be the basis of our diet; but many people do very poorly on grains. Others have a low tolerance for dairy products. These intolerances are due to a number of factors, including ethnic background and genetic inheritance.

Secondly, the pyramid calls for reduced fats without addressing the dangers of lowfat diets. Finally, the new guidelines perpetuate the myth that fats, carbohydrates and proteins have equal nutritional properties no matter how much or how little they are processed. The experts make no distinction between whole grains and refined, between foods grown organically and those grown with pesticides and commercial fertilizers, between unprocessed dairy products from pasture-fed cows and pasteurized dairy products from confined animals raised on processed feed, between fresh and rancid fats, between traditional fresh fruits and vegetables and those that have been irradiated or genetically altered, between range-fed meats and those from animals raised in crowded pens; between natural and battery-produced eggs; in short, between the traditional foods that nourished our ancestors and newfangled products now dominating the modern marketplace.
Fats from animal and vegetable sources provide a concentrated source of energy in the diet; they also provide the building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-like substances. Fats as part of a meal slow down nutrient absorption so that we can go longer without feeling hungry. In addition, they act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Dietary fats are needed for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral absorption and for a host of other processes.

Politically Correct Nutrition is based on the assumption that we should reduce our intake of fats, particularly saturated fats from animal sources. Fats from animal sources also contain cholesterol, presented as the twin villain of the civilized diet.
Mother's milk provides a higher proportion of cholesterol than almost any other food. It also contains over 50 percent of its calories as fat, much of it saturated fat. Both cholesterol and saturated fat are essential for growth in babies and children, especially the development of the brain. Yet, the American Heart Association is now recommending a low-cholesterol, lowfat diet for children! Most commercial formulas are low in saturated fat.
American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute and the Senate Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, claims that animal fat is linked not only with heart disease but also with cancers of various types. Yet when researchers from the University of Maryland analyzed the data they used to make such claims, they found that vegetable fat consumption was correlated with high rates of cancer and animal fat was not.
Clearly something is wrong with the theories we read in the popular press—and used to bolster sales of lowfat concoctions and cholesterol free foods. The notion that saturated fats per se cause heart disease as well as cancer is not correct and is just plain wrong. But it is true that some fats are bad for us. In order to understand which ones, we must know something about the chemistry of fats.
Modern diets can contain as much as 30 percent of calories as polyunsaturated oils, but scientific research indicates that this amount is far too high. The best evidence indicates that our intake of polyunsaturates should not be much greater than 4 percent of the caloric total, in approximate proportions of 1.5 percent omega-3 linolenic acid and 2.5 percent omega-6 linoleic acid. Consumption in this range is found in native populations in temperate and tropical regions whose intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids comes from the small amounts found in legumes, grains, nuts, green vegetables, fish, olive oil and animal fats—not from commercial vegetable oils.
The demonized saturated fats—which Americans are trying to avoid—are not the cause of our modern diseases. In fact, they play many important roles in the body chemistry:
Saturated fatty acids constitute at least 50 percent of the cell membranes, giving them necessary stiffness and integrity so they can function properly.
They play a vital role in the health of our bones. For calcium to be effectively incorporated into the skeletal structure, at least 50 percent of the dietary fats should be saturated.
They lower Lp(a), a substance in the blood that indicates proneness to heart disease.
They protect the liver from alcohol and other toxins, such as Tylenol.
They enhance the immune system.
They are needed for the proper utilization of essential fatty acids. Elongated omega-3 fatty acids are better retained in the tissues when
the diet is rich in saturated fats.
Saturated 18-carbon stearic acid and 16-carbon palmitic acid are the preferred foods for the heart, which is why the fat around the heart muscle is highly saturated. The heart draws on this reserve of fat in times of stress.
Short-and medium-chain saturated fatty acids have important antimicrobial properties. They protect us against harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract.
The scientific evidence, honestly evaluated, does not support the assertion that "artery-clogging" saturated fats cause heart disease.
Actually, evaluation of the fat in artery clogs reveals that only about 26 percent is saturated. The rest is unsaturated, of which more than half is polyunsaturated.
And what about cholesterol? Here, too, the public has been misinformed. Our blood vessels can become damaged in a number of ways— through irritations caused by free radicals or viruses, or because they are structurally weak—and when this happens, the body's natural healing substance steps in to repair the damage. That substance is cholesterol. Cholesterol is a high-molecular-weight alcohol that is manufactured in the liver and in most human cells. Like saturated fats, the cholesterol we make and consume plays many vital roles:
Along with saturated fats, cholesterol in the cell membrane gives our cells necessary stiffness and stability. When the diet contains an excess of polyunsaturated fatty acids, these replace saturated fatty acids in the cell membrane, so that the cell walls actually become flabby.
When this happens, cholesterol from the blood is "driven" into the tissues to give them structural integrity. This is why serum cholesterol levels may go down temporarily when we replace saturated fats with polyunsaturated oils in the diet.
Cholesterol acts as a precursor to vital corticosteroids, hormones that help us deal with stress and protect the body against heart
disease and cancer; and to the sex hormones like androgen, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone.

Cholesterol is a precursor to vitamin D, a vital fat-soluble vitamin needed for healthy bones and nervous system, proper growth, mineral metabolism, muscle tone, insulin production, reproduction and immune system function. Poor thyroid function (hypothyroidism) will often result in high cholesterol levels. When thyroid function is poor, usually due to a diet high in sugar and low in usable iodine, fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients, the body floods the blood with cholesterol as an adaptive and protective mechanism, providing a superabundance of materials needed to heal tissues and produce protective steroids. Hypothyroid individuals are particularly susceptible to infections, heart disease and cancer.
Some Side Effects of Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure:
Stroke, heart attack, impotence, kidney failure, and eye disease are all part of the ugly side effect to uncontrolled high blood pressure. Prevention is key with hypertension.
Understanding What High Blood Pressure Looks like in the Body:
High blood pressure - the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. High blood pressure means that your blood is moving through your arteries with a pressure higher than normal. The higher the pressure inside your arteries, the higher your blood pressure numbers may be.

Healthy arteries are flexible, strong and elastic. Their inner lining is smooth so that blood flows freely, supplying vital organs and tissues with adequate nutrients and oxygen. If you have high blood pressure, the increased pressure of blood flowing through your arteries gradually can cause a variety of problems.

High blood pressure can damage the cells of your arteries' inner lining. It can effect artery walls, like making them thick and stiff, or hardening of the arteries. Fats from your diet enter your bloodstream, pass through the damaged cells and collect to the sides. These changes can affect arteries throughout your body, blocking blood flow to your heart, kidneys, brain, arms and legs.

Over time, the constant pressure of blood moving through a weakened artery can cause a section of its wall to enlarge and form a bulge (aneurysm). An aneurysm can potentially rupture and cause life-threatening internal bleeding. Aneurysms can form in any artery throughout your body, but they're most common in the aorta, your body's largest artery.

Just like your heart, your brain depends on a nourishing blood supply to work properly and survive. But high blood pressure can cause several problems.
The Real Cause of Hypertension
The real cause of hypertension is chronically elevated insulin levels, and excessive dietary sugar (especially fructose) is largely to blame.  High dietary fructose is a metabolic poison that raises your blood pressure by raising your uric acid levels, depleting your magnesium, increasing water retention, and stressing your liver.

I have heard many reports from Naturopaths about patients reducing salt and not seeing any results, so they tried reducing sugar (which we all need to do anyways!) and SHAZAM…the blood pressure goes down.

Sugar is the culprit for many diseases, and although not typically associated with hypertension may be the root cause. Try eliminating sugar or cutting back for a few weeks and track your daily numbers.

Refined sugar throws the body out of balance because it simply is just not natural.

Insulin problems damage blood vessels in the brain, which leads to memory problems and Alzheimer's disease.
Cabbage, kale, collards, radish.  Each of these vegetables is packed with a host of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. And they all contain the health promoting disease fighting compound called sulforaphane.
Sulforaphane reduces inflammation, fights unhealthy bacteria and protects against carcinogenic toxins, and it only takes a few servings a month to realize the benefit.  It is indicated for the prevention and treatment of cancer, diabetes, H. pylori (a nasty stomach bacteria that can lead to acid reflux and stomach ulcers) atherosclerosis, respiratory diseases, neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s, kidney disease, ocular disorders, and cardiovascular diseases (plaque buildup, hypertension).  The National Institute of Health has an on-going study to investigate the benefits of sulforaphane for recurrent prostate cancer.
Supplementation Helps Fight Hypertension
Magnesium: 300-500mg daily (may need to divide doses to avoid diarrhea) Magnesium is a muscle relaxant and the arteries are all surrounded with smooth muscle.

When the smooth muscle surrounding your arteries relaxes, it causes your arteries to dilate which results in a drop of blood pressure. Most people are deficient in magnesium anyway, as the richest sources are found in green veggies.  I would guess about 90% of American’s are magnesium deficient.

CoQ10: 100 mg daily. You should be on this anyway if you have high cholesterol as statins deplete this nutrient, and the common sign is muscle weakness or pain.

Garlic: Liberally in the diet (cooking does reduce the allicin content, so raw is best)

Or just take garlic as directed if you are going with a supplement form. Garlic brand has been widely studied and shown to be efficacious according to the studies.

Garlic also lowers blood sugar, so if you are diabetic you should check your sugars more often while implementing this natural therapeutic for hypertension.

Potassium: at 24 mg If you want to get this from dietary sources, then just eat green leafies and fruits like bananas. Check with your doctor before using this as a therapeutic agent if you have kidney disease or if you are already on a potassium sparing diuretic medication (used for high BP.)

Vitamin C: 1000 mg twice daily. Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C is the simplest way to achieve this along with vitamin C rich foods.

One of the cheapest and most well studied anti-oxidants is the theory with vitamin C and blood pressure is that high blood pressure typically results from a few causes.

Hypertension is caused either by problems in the kidneys, or “atherosclerosis” or hardening of the arteries. We want arteries to be compliant.

Vitamin C is a very cheap antioxidant that helps prevent the LDL from “oxidizing” and forming the hardened plaques in our arteries that cause them to lose their elasticity. Think of vitamin C as the nutrient that keeps your pipes from rusting.  Just about everyone should be on vitamin C anyways.

Calcium: 800 mg daily. Most Americans do not achieve this in the diet. Research has shown that calcium will slightly help to lower blood pressure…and we’ll take every little bit we can.  Natural medicines work well in incremental steps and synergistically.

The goal with most of these supplements is to create an additive effect. Most people are deficient in this essential nutrient anyway, as 800mg is required for the average adult. Take your calcium and magnesium 1-2 hours before bed to ensure a good night’s sleep as they are also great muscle and nervous system relaxants.

Krill Oil: Clinical studies have shown that NKO™ can support joint comfort, healthy blood lipid levels already within the normal range, and may reduce symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome. 

Stevia: The herb known for it’s sweetness has also been shown to reduce blood pressure at 500 mg three times daily.

L-Arginine: 2 grams three times daily. L-arginine works to enhance blood flow by being the precursor to nitric oxide production.  Nitric oxide dilates our blood vessels and when we go back to the hose analogy we decrease the flow when we take our thumb off the hose.  That is what L-arganine and similar nutrients do for hypertension.

Fennel Seed is an excellent source of potassium and helps to negate the effects of sodium. It is a good source of calcium and helps to reduce inflammation. It is good for cardiovascular health and helps in naturally reducing high blood pressure. It also helps in weight loss. It can be added to the tea.

Make our own Fragrance– with All-Natural Essential Oils

  • Synthetic fragrances contain hormone (endocrine) disruptors that can lead to a whole host of medical problems, including hormone imbalance, thyroid issues and cancer

  • Synthetic fragrances kick allergic reactions into high gear for many people, leading to headaches, respiratory issues and other disorders

  • Millions of people suffer from sensitivities to synthetic fragrance, so that sexy scent you think you’re blessing the world with is actually making life harder for people around you

                          Oils for Health

Making solid perfume is effortlessly simple, portable, and the beeswax makes it last a long, long time, and there’s just something so magically vintage about it.

I like the idea of using three oils together, because it hits all scent receptors and fades away magically over time, but there are no hard and fast rules to scent blending. Even two-scent blends are lovely: Rose-cypress, ylang-ylang-sweet orange, and lavender-clove are all amazing two-scent blends.

To begin,  pick a top note, middle note, and bottom note that sounds good to you.
go here to choose your oils for blending > > >

In a very small container, measure out your essential oil blend and make sure you like the way it smells while it’s concentrated (keeping in mind that it will mellow once you add it to the solid base). So now that you have your blend, here’s what’s next.


  • Beeswax

  • Carrier oil (like jojoba, sweet almond, olive, or grapeseed)

  • Essential oils of your choice

  • A container suitable for solid perfume

In a small double boiler (or makeshift double boiler), start the water heating on the bottom pot and drop your measured beeswax into the clean top pot.

When your beeswax is pretty much melted, add in the carrier oil and stir until everything is warm and liquid.

You want to move fast here (which is why it’s a great idea to blend your oils ahead of time), because this sets up and hardens like lightning.

Carefully pour your homemade perfume mixture into your chosen container.

Some recipe ideas:

Fresh and Kicky (Vetiver, Ginger, Grapefruit)

Romantically Wistful (Rose, Lime, Vetiver)

  • 25 drops rose essential oil

  • 10 drops lime essential oil

  • 10 drops vetiver essential oil

(I really like vetiver right now – it’s so fresh and spicy and sort-of grassy and it makes me happy)

Sensuously Deep (Ylang-Ylang, Sweet Orange, Cedarwood)

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Link to how we know the quality of our oils.
Dr. Christopher Products 

Hanna Kroeger's  products

Nature's Way

Garden Essence Essential Oils

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God Bless each of you in your quest for health.


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