Information 4

Charles Tobey Jr. Reports On Cancer And The Venal Medical Conspiracy

About six years ago last summer, I was in bed at my home in Concord, NH, when my father came. to my bedside and confirmed to me that I had the second most vicious form of cancer known to man and that my three doctors gave me one to two years to live.
I want you to know that when that happens it does something to you.
That information came to me after about nine months of an average of about two to five hours a night's sleep from the indescribable pain that only a cancer victim knows.
That information came to me at a time when I had what I called a good wife, two children, a girl six and a boy four, and a good home.
Lying in bed thinking of that, things go through your mind and you say to yourself "If I live, I'm going to devote all the time that I have and can spend to try to help find the answer to cancer. And I want you to know that I was extremely naive when it came to the medical world-the organized medical world.
Shortly after that, summer residents from Massachusetts came to my father and asked him to send me down to a man in Medford, Mass., an ordinary physician named Dr. Robert Lincoln. I went down there in the Fall of 1948.
Dr. Lincoln said to me:
"I can give you no promise and I can offer you no sure hope but we will try, Before I talk to you about my work, I want you to go into my reception room where you will find 15 to 20 patients waiting to be treated. Talk with any of them. Ask any questions you wish, and then come back to my living room here and we'll talk about your case.
I did just that, and this is what I saw as I went down there every other night for about three months. I saw hundreds of people who were getting well; I saw hundreds of husbands and wives who felt that they had new
hope, and felt they were going to some one who was honestly trying to help them.
I looked at his books and saw that he never charged a patient more than $5.00 a treatment. I saw many that were receiving treatment for $3.00 and $2.00 and many others whose money was gone, who were receiving treatment anyway. I found that no man was ever turned away from that clinic. It did my heart good.
I don't have a blackboard here. I'm only going to speak for about a minute and a half about what the Lincoln treatment is and I want you to know at this time that I'm not here to give any endorsement of any medication. I'm merely going to give you Dr. Lincoln's experience as Exhibit "A" of just what's going on throughout this country where men like Dr. Hoxsey, Dr. Lincoln and others who are trying to help mankind are being kicked in the stomach and knifed in the back by organized medicine, being the un-American Medical Association, and I'll prove that before I'm through.
About eight years ago, this ordinary physician was trying to find the answer to sinusitis and anything else. He took a patient who came to him with what he called a typical, classical case of infectious grippe.
He went into the sinus cavities and took what they call a "culture"; that was a cluster of millions of hoemeplitic staphylococus aureous germs.
The virus and hoemeplitic staphylococus aureous germs were taken to his old professor, Dr. Hooker, Chief of the Department of Immunology of Boston University and there they were made into what was called bacteria, which consisted of a virus but without the germ.
In other words, in the laboratory by rapid transplanting of these germs in which the virus grew from contact of rabbit blood to another, they increased the vitality, you might- say, of the virus and then they'd feed that back in with a nebulizer in the form of a substance. You breathe back trillions of these viruses which are germ killers.
Now this poor doctor, this poor individual was only trying to find the answer to sinusitis.
He was treating sinus patients but, as was inevitable, in would come patients who had collateral diseases and he would find as the sinus infection would disappear, so would the collateral diseases.
So then he started on his little road of discouragement.
He wrote a letter to the Massachusetts Medical Society.
He told them what he was finding and asked them to send a committee up to his office to look into his work and to collaborate with him in the research program. That's where the trouble started. He got no co-operation---he got condemnation.
So as I sat in his living room after having been there a couple of months, I said: "Doctor, let me help you. I think I can get a few doctors from Concord that I know well, to come on down here and look into your work. I go
fishing with them and they're pretty good fellows." He smiled and said, "Go to it."
He knew the answer. I went back to Concord and told these doctors what was going on and said:
"Every Wednesday afternoon on your day off, I'll drive you down in my car about 60 miles, and you can spend a few hours there with me."
Of the 38 doctor's in Concord, none went down.
They gave different reasons but they all refused and declined to go. So then I wrote a letter to the ten counties in New Hampshire of the Medical Association, a short letter referring to biology and Dr.Lincoln's work and saying that Dr. Lincoln would be very glad to come before your next meeting or any other meeting and either read a formal
paper or discuss his work informally with you as you wish.
Of the ten letters I wrote to these counties, I got exactly no replies.
However, two days after I wrote that letter, my secretary received a telephone call from the Secretary of the New Hampshire Medical Society saying from now on if Mr. Tobey writes to any county medical society he is to send us a copy of his letter.
My father in the Senate wrote letters, personal letters, to more than 100 cancer research institutions in the United States who were the recipients of cancer research funds appropriated by the Congress.
He invited each one to send one or more doctors to the Lincoln Clinic in Medford, Massachusetts, to look into this work and, again, exactly none of them responded.
Not one of a hundred.
The American Cancer Society had a president named Dr. Cameron who publicly dictated: "I am opposed to any form of cancer treatment except X-Ray, Radium and Surgery."
There is the American Cancer Society with its officers sitting on the lid of any independent cancer research program and just take a guess at the total amount of money and net profits received from x-ray therapy, from surgery and from radium and there's the President of that society saying he's opposed to any medical therapy except those three money makers.
The National Research Council is the greatest body of researchers in the country.
Nineteen months ago after pressure from a number of letters received from United States Senators, they agreed to run a central hospital study program of the Lincoln treatment in Philadelphia, simultaneously in four hospitals. That was 19 months ago and it has not as yet come in.
A year ago last spring, I sat in a room in Swarthmore, Pa., where a group of doctors from the midwest, who were research fellows of the Lincoln Foundation, brought in x-ray photographs of patients receiving the treatment. By request, they took an x-ray photograph of the cancerous area once a month, month after month.
You've seen a picture of a movie where they take a picture of a flower growing every hour or every two hours and then put it on the movie screen and you see it growing.

To my eyes, it was just like that in reverse. You'd see a malignant condition of cancer-say of the lung-gradually it would grow smaller and smaller and then it seemed to break into three small pieces and the final x-ray photograph showed none whatever.
A year ago last Fall they x-rayed me hoping to find that Dr. Lincoln hadn't done a good job. They did it in Concord at the request of a Concord surgeon. They couldn't find a scintilla of any cancerous tissue in my body! And yet, the doctors who treated me and gave me no hope refused to go down 60 miles to look into this treatment.
A doctor in New Hampshire, named Dr. Matthews, a young fellow my age, 43 years old, a graduate of McGill University Medical School, went down at the request of a friend of his and then came to me after being down
there three days and said:
"Charles, I know I'm sticking my neck out here in Concord but my conscience wouldn't be right if I didn't take this treatment on and help my patients."
He did just that. His practice increased and he came to me and said:
"Charles, it's getting embarrassing and a little bit touchy. I treat a woman for colitis, who has gone to all the doctors in Concord almost, lost all her money to them. They've told her they couldn't do anything for her, and inside of three weeks I have her eating normal meals. She tells her friends and they go back to the doctors and say:
"'You were wrong and Dr. Matthews is right.' It's getting pretty rough."
After about nine months of this, Dr. Matthews received a call to appear before the hospital staff of the Concord, N. H. Hospital where, for about two hours they gave him a rough time and talking about having his license taken away. And they made him promise to give up the treatment and told him if he treated one single patient, the next morning they would take immediate steps to remove his license to practice medicine. I'm telling you the truth because I had Dr. Matthews in court testifying on this under oath.
Now there are innocent doctors. I'm not charging them personally, but I say they are the innocent victims of a political machine, the A. M. A.. and they think they are doing the right thing.

Now I'm going to give you a first-hand report on something that is almost unbelievable to have occurred and to have been allowed to occur here in the United States of America, which we say is the hope of the world.
Out in Chicago, there was a man, a doctor, of national repute, specialist in cancer. His name is Dr. Andrew C. Ivy. He is Vice President of the University of Illinois School of Medicine. He was so big in the medical world that he was a member of the Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society. He came across a medication called
krebiozen. I know nothing about it and I'm not here to say whether it's good or not. But I am here to say that Dr. Ivy in that medical school treated hundreds of cancer cases and kept meticulous reports and he had the same being done by more than 100 doctors in Chicago and in other states. He made a report and said he thought krebiozen was the answer to some forms of cancer.
Here's what happened. A high official of the American Medical Association went to Dr. Ivy after having looked into it personally, and he made an offer on behalf of two Chicago business friends of $2,500,000 for exclusive distribution rights to krebiozen.
Dr. Ivy's reply was that when his investigation was completed, he was going to make it available to nobody exclusively but to all who wanted it so it wouldn't be sold for $50 a shot instead of $5.
Then what happened?
The next thing that Dr. Ivy knew---and bear in mind he was a top man in the medical world and a powerful one--he was called before the Board of Grievances of the Chicago Medical Society. He was charged with using a
worthless drug for cancer. He was suspended with the resultant publicity for unethical-conduct as a doctor.
Two articles appeared in the A.M. A. Journal condemning Dr. Ivy and his use of krebiozen.
This after $2,500,000 had been offered surreptitiously for distribution rights. The President of the University of Illinois suddenly came and told him he'd have to quit using the medical school for this research project. So Dr. Ivy had to leave the University and continue his research work elsewhere.
I'm pleased to say that Benedict Fitzgerald who was appointed investigator for the Senate Interstate Commerce Commission by my father went to Chicago, sat down with the Board of Trustees of the University (and by the way, Red Grange was one of the Trustees) and they took a vote, ousted the President of the University, and put Dr. Ivy back in.
Last year my father, as Chairman of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, thru the cooperation of Attorney General Brownell, obtained the services of Mr. Benedict Fitzgerald as an investigator.
Mr. Fitzgerald at that time was one of the top investigators for the Department of Justice. Mr. Fitzgerald went to Chicago and looked into the Dr. Ivy testimony and into this other A.M.A. official. He went to other parts of the country and he made a report.
My father died in July. None of the other members of this Investigation Committee knew of this investigation going on because we didn't want the A M. A. officials to go to work on the Senators to get Fitzgerald kicked
out before he got the goods on them.
Ahout four days after my father's death, Mr. Fitzgerald was summoned to the office of Senator Bricker who succeeded my father as chairman of the committee. Mr. Fitzgerald was told to file a brief report, to lay low,
not to interview the press or talk to anyone about his findings and was promised that if he did that, he would be taken care of. I got that from Mr. Fitzgerald at first hand.
Instead of that, Mr. Fitzgerald drew up this report about seven or eight pages 1ong--ordinary pages-he told the truth and named names and places.
He filed that report with Senator Bricker and with every member of the Committee. About two weeks ago he got a letter from the Department of Justice saying they are sorry but they are unable to give him his Job back as an Investigator. Senator Bricker is a powerful man in Washington. He is Mr. A. M. A. in the Senate.
Now follow this and try to get the reasoning behind it. About five days after Senator Bricker fired Fitzgerald and called the investigation to an immediate halt, he received a letter of congratulations and guess who wrote the letter? Mr. John Teeter, Executive Director of the Damon Runyon Fund.
My father at one time wrote to the Damon Runyon Fund and called for receipts and expenditures-he never got it
Mr. Fitzgerald's investigation was destined to lead to the door-step of the Damon Runyon Fund and they knew it---and they congratulated Senator Bricker for calling the investigation to an immediate halt. Now, that happened here in America and yet few many people know about it?
Following the termination of the investigation in the Senate when Senator Bricker got thousands of letters to take the heat off that Senate Committee, the House Committee on Interstate Commerce announced that they would hold hearings on health.
Congressman Woolverton of Camden, N. J. is the Chairman of that Committee.
I was amazed, and I think you will be when you hear it, to find that they scheduled a hearing to start October 2nd and that Mr. John Teeter of the Damon Runyon Fund had been appointed official adviser of the Committee.
I went down there to see what was going on. They had a room with the chairman sitting, say here. The members of the committee in a horseshoe around him, a bunch of chairs near the front for the doctors of the A. M. A. and the governors who sat---the so-called experts on cancer.
Sitting right below Congress-man Woolverton was this John Teeter of the Damon Runyon Fund, busy as a bee, writing notes on a piece of paper and handing them back to Mr. Woolverton telling him what questions to ask and how to commend the doctors for the great work they are doing for humanity.
I stood that for a day and a half and then I went to the office of a congressman and asked for the use of his secretary and I dictated a statement and copies thereof. I saw Congressman Woolverton at noontime and said: "This is a pink tea party. Every doctor gets up and tells what they are doing and then the other doctors got up and commend them and I say you commend them too. It's the same kind of stuff that's been going on for ten years and as far as you're concerned it will go on for twenty more."
I said: "Dr. Ivy is in the audience. Why don't you put him on that panel and let him ask these other doctors a few questions? Dr. Lincoln is in this audience, why don't you allow him to do so?"
He declined to do it. Mr. Teeter was there and he nudged me and said, "How are you doing Mr. Tobey?"
So I prepared this report. On the second afternoon Mr. Woolverton, the Chairman, turned to the other doctors and asked them, "Any further questions ?"
He was only addressing them but I stood up from near the back of the room and said, "Mr. Chairman."
He looked up and down again and started to go on with the meeting.
So this time a little louder I said, "Mr. Chairman."
He had to recognize me so I said, "My name is Charles W. Tobey, Jr."
He banged his gavel and said, "Do you rise to ask a question or to give information?"
I said, "I rise to give information that this committee should have before the day is ended."
He banged his gavel and said "Sit down."
And, I sat down. However, I walked over to the Press table and gave them copies of the statement Mr. Woolverton had refused to listen to.
The time today is ripe---r-i-p-e to get a public congressional investigation. About two months ago I had about 20,000 copies of the Fitzgerald report printed. I sent them around the country to my father's mailing list and I've had requests from people like you-"please send me three copies, five, twenty, a hundred."
Five orders have come in for a thousand apiece. In a county in the state of Iowa, the offices of that county chapter of the American Cancer Society wrote to me and asked for copies. A member of Congress wrote to me and said "Send a copy of that report to every member of Congress and I'm going to talk to them when I return in January."
A member of the Senate wrote to me and said "I'm glad to see that you are carrying on the fight that your father started. Hope you will never quit. Come and see me when you come to Washington."
Those things wouldn't have happened five years ago but the Veterans and all sorts of groups who pay thru the nose for hospital bills and all sorts of surgery are beginning to learn that the A. M. A. is a group that should be smashed hard enough by those who know how to do it.
Here's how to do it. See me after this meeting; otherwise just write to me. Charles W. Tobey, Jr., Concord, N. H. will get me, and ask for a copy of the Fitzgerald report.   Take excerpts from it and quote them in a letter to your two senators from your state and to the congressman from your district---ask the congressman who is coming up for re-election if he will sponsor a resolution---which means introduce a resolution---to make the Fitzgerald report a public document and if he will sponsor another resolution for - an investigation by Congress of the A.M.A.  I'll tell you how to do it. I'll say this-that I'm about done---not physically however.
If either major political party would dare to do it, they could win the next National election on this issue. The members of Congress and Senate and Candidates. the National Committee-men should use the Press Radio, TV, Periodicals, Newspapers and the phone: they could stomp their districts and they could read the story about what this high A.M.A. official did in offering $2,500,000 bribe and how the A.M.A. tried to break that man down and are still doing it.
They could be told exactly this statement by Dr. Heller at the committee on Interstate Commerce of the House last October 2nd. Dr. Heller made this statement as President of the National Cancer Institute and here's
his sworn testimony:
"Mr. Chairman: Of the present population in the United States, 50 million will become involved with cancer."
Fifty million out of a hundred and sixty million. There wouldn't be any audience in this country where there wouldn't be a man or woman who either had a husband or wife, father, mother, daughter or on who had been the victim of cancer or at least wouldn't be worried every day the wife might come and say "I have a lump in my breast'
They'd listen if that congressman would say, "When I go to Washington I will fight fearlessly and earnestly and untiringly until we smash the A.M.A. and give you people a chance to have progress in medicine in the future in this United States."
I say this in conclusion, when the average voter went into the privacy of the voting booth, he'd say to himself, "Well, I don't like too much about what the party has done on other things but I'm going to play it safe--I'm going to vote for that man for public office and send him to Washington."
That's what you can accomplish in the United States if we all get busy and write letters to the congressmen and to the senators.

Lincoln Foundation Goes Respectable
The Lincoln Foundation was pursuing a new course this mouth. The Lincoln treatment for cancer received wide attention as the result of a campaign on its behalf by Charles Tobey, Jr.
Tobey credits the treatment with saving his life.
Since the death of Dr. Robert Lincoln in January 1954, the foundation has been reorganized. Its new policy is to avoid publicity and to avoid public criticism of American Medical Association orthodoxy.
In this way, the Foundation's medical director, Dr. Ernest Mills, hopes to "establish cordial relations with the medical groups concerned and-to clear up previous misunderstandings."
In a letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Mills revealed for' the first time the origin and identity of the bacteriophage as well as the staphylococcal strains used in the preparation of the lysates used in the Lincoln treatment.
Source: The Arlin J. Brown Information Center, Inc. P.O. Box 251, Fort
Belvoir, Virginia 22060

Comfrey (Symphytum officinale), or common comfrey, has been known by many names, including boneset, knitbone, bruisewort, black wort, salsify, ass ear, wall wort, slippery root, gum plant, healing herb, consound, or knit back. This distinctive herb, considered by the English herbalist Culpeper to be "under the dominion of the moon," is a member of the Boraginaceae family. The genus name Symphytum is from the Greek word sympho meaning to unite. The common name comfrey is from the Latin confirmare meaning to join together. The herb is named after its traditional folk use in compress and poultice preparations to speed the healing of fractures, broken bones, bruises, and burns. Comfrey is a perennial native of Europe and Asia and has been naturalized throughout North America. There are about 25 species of the herb, including prickly comfrey (S. asperum) and Russian comfrey (S. × uplandicum, known as okopnik). In Russian medicine, the herb is considered poisonous when used excessively.

Comfrey grows well in rich, moist, low meadows, or along ponds and river banks, where it may reach a height of 4 ft (1.2 m). Comfrey root is large, branching, and black on the outside with a creamy white interior containing a slimy mucilage. Hollow, erect stems, also containing mucilage, are covered with bristly hairs that cause itching when in contact with the skin. The thick, somewhat succulent, veined leaves are covered with rough hairs. They are alternate and lance shaped, with lower leaves as large as 10 in (25 cm) in length, and dark green on top and light green on the underside. Small, bell-shaped flowers grow from the axils of the smaller, upper leaves on red stalks. Flowers are mauve to violet and form in dense, hanging clusters, blooming in summer. The cup-like fruits each contain four small, black seeds.

General use
Comfrey root and other parts of the herb have been valued medicinally for more than 2,000 years. The specific name officinale designates its inclusion in early lists of official medicinal herbs. Comfrey has been prepared as a poultice or compress with healing properties for blunt injuries, fractures, swollen bruises, boils, carbuncles, varicose ulcers, and burns. The external application of comfrey preparations may minimize the formation of scar tissue. Poultices were also applied to ease breast pain in breast-feeding women. Comfrey, taken internally as a tea or expressed juice, has been used to soothe ulcers, hernias, colitis, and to stop internal bleeding. As a gargle it has been used to treat mouth sores and bleeding gums. The herbal tea has also been used to treat nasal congestion and inflammation, diarrhea, and to quiet coughing. The hot, pulped root, applied externally, was used to treat bronchitis, pleurisy, and to reduce pain and inflammation of sprains.

The herb is thought to loosen congestion, soothe irritated membranes and skin, reduce bleeding, tighten tissues, and heal wounds. The allantoin in comfrey, found most abundantly in the flowering tops, has been identified as the source of much of the herb's healing actions. Comfrey, applied externally to superficial wounds, promotes the healing of connective tissue, bones, and cartilage. Other constituents found in comfrey include tannins, resin, essential oil, gum, carotene, rosmarinic acid, choline, glycosides, sugars, betea-sitosterol, and steroidal saponins.

Comfrey contains vitamins A and B12, and is high in calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. The herb has long been used as a cooked green vegetable in early spring, and the fresh, young leaves have been added to salads. The widespread suffering caused by the Irish potato famine of the 1840s motivated Henry Doubleday, an Englishman, to fund research into comfrey's potential as a nutritional food crop. Farmers have valued comfrey as a nutritious fodder for cattle. When the leaves are soaked in rainwater for a few weeks, they will produce a valuable fertilizer for the garden, especially beneficial to tomatoes and potatoes.

Modern herbalists, however, disagree strongly about comfrey's safety, particularly when herbal preparations are taken internally. A Japanese study in 1968 implicated comfrey constituents (known as pyrrolizidine alkaloids) as being toxic to the liver even when taken in small amounts. The study involved large amounts of comfrey extract rather than the whole herb. The most toxic of these pyrrolizidine alkaloids, according to Varro Tyler of the Purdue University School of Pharmacy, is echimidine. This alkaloid is found primarily in Russian comfrey and prickly comfrey rather than the common comfrey. However, Tyler cautions that other alkaloids toxic to the liver are present in common comfrey, and commercial preparations may not distinguish between the types of comfrey contained in the products offered for sale. Herbal products containing echimidine are prohibited for sale in Canada as medicines. In fact, all comfrey products made from the root, which contains a higher concentration of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, are restricted in Canada.

A 1978 Australian study reported that rats fed a large diet of comfrey leaf developed liver cancer. The research literature has reported some cases of liver toxicity attributed to long-term, internal use of comfrey. However, some Japanese doctors still continue to recommend a vinegar extract of comfrey to treat cases of cirrhosis of the liver, despite these previous research findings of the hazards associated with internal use. The research on the safety and effectiveness of comfrey as a medicine continues with some conflicting research results. In Germany, where standardized comfrey remedies are commercially available, the allowed dosage and duration of treatment is regulated. In the United States, however, commercial preparations may not be standardized to meet these dosage restrictions.

After reading this article I am convinced that the toxic comfrey is Russian comfrey that is not  used in herbal combinations such as Dr. Christopher products and others in the US.
I know that our companies  know the difference.

Article taken from Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine by Clare Hanrahan & found at

What is Fractionated Coconut Oil?   

We get asked this question on almost a daily basis.  Many people are familiar with whole coconut oil which is a solid a room temperature but do not have experience with Fractionated or Light Coconut oil.  But if you haven't tried it you are missing out on a truly great product carrier (fixed) oil product.  All carrier oils consist of a class of molecules called fatty acid triglycerides which means they contain three, long-chain fatty ester groups.  Most all plant derived carrier oils consist entirely of what are called "unsaturated" fatty acid triglycerides which means they have one or more carbon-carbon double bonds in their long fatty ester side chains which are typically 16 to 20+ carbon units long.  The double bonds in these side chains are susceptible to oxidation over time and their reactions with oxygen are what produce the rancid odor that you may have noticed in your carrier oils when they get a few months old.  Whole coconut oil also has some quite long unsaturated fatty acid triglycerides (which is why it is a solid at room temperature).  But the coconut oil is special in that it has a relatively high percentage of shorter length  (C8, C10), completely saturated (no double bonds) triglycerides.  Theses smaller fatty acid triglycerides are separated from the whole coconut oil to give us what is known as "Fractionated Coconut Oil."  The separation process is non-chemical and involves a simple physical separation process so there are no chemical residues to worry about.  There are many advantages to Fractionated Coconut Oil including the following:

1.  Liquid down to very low temperatures.

2.  Because its has no double bonds, there are no sites for oxidation and thus never goes rancid.  The oil has essentially an infinite shelf life.

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4.  Washes out of your massage table sheets very easily with no staining. 

5.  An ideal product for natural perfumers who don't want to use alcohol as a carrier.  Because its the lightest of all the carrier oils, it will spray through a pump sprayer with ease.   This is also makes it handy for massage therapists as they can spray on their massage blends with ease.  

6.  Leaves your skin feeling silky smooth without that greasy feeling. 

7.  Cost effective, one of least expensive carrier oils.

8.  Completely soluble with all essential oils and compatible with soaps.

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10.  Fractionated Coconut Oil is colorless, odorless and Kosher/Food Grade. 


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