Health Resources
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 Health Resources Newsletter . Calling all customers - Opportunity to receive our Newsletters
August 2001 

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in this issue
. Here's The Catch 
ADA cover up vs. Periodontal disease and amalgam's 
Effects of spinal misalignments to your health. 
New Products & what's coming next. 

Here's The Catch

If you think you've heard everything on the subject of heartburn, acid reflux, and the pharmaceuticals that treat those problems, keep reading. Because I have some information about a popular acid reflux medication that has one insidious side effect that gives the users of this drug a very strong incentive to continue using it. For more of the story click on link......... 

ADA cover up vs. Periodontal disease and amalgam's
Here I am in the middle of another dental nightmare. Caught between a maxo-facial surgeon and my husband. Well I finally succumbed to their pressure, however, I am not a happy camper. I have gone to the internet for answers. Took awhile to get around the ADA bunk that most dentist sites quote. 
I have bad jaw bone & deterioration supposedly caused by periodental disease. Is it really from "bad" brushing and poor hygiene? Where does it come from if it isn't contagious? It isn't passed to anyone through kissing, etc. What is the REAL bottom line? 

My take is that my body is rejecting all the previous dental work that I have been subject to all my life. If my body is rejecting what they have done before - what makes them think that it won't again? 

Your Newsletter - As personal as we know how to make it.
We would love to feature 1 of our customers each month. We can only do this with your input. 

We love to learn so would also appreciate your simple alternative "cures" to feature in our newsletter.We would also be happy to search for information on your particular problem and feature it for the benefit of not only you, but others. 

Diffuse Burnout and Stress by just tapping your pressure points.
ANGER: Tap #1 - Just inside the inner edge of the eyebrow. #2 - base of the pinky fingernail - the side closest to the ring finger. #3 - Below the collarbone and to the right or left of center with the flat of your hand. 

FEAR & ANXIETY - Tap #1 Middle of the bony ridge below the eye socket. #2 - Between the nose and upper lip. #3 - Under the lip, just above the middle of the chin. #4 - Use four fingers 4 inches below the armpit. #5 - Below collarbone and to the right or left of center. 

BLUES: Tap #1 - Inside the inner edge of eyebrow. #2 - Middle of the bony ridge below eye and to right or left of center. #3 - Below collarbone and to the right or left of center. #4 - The back of the hand between the knuckles of 4th and 5th finger - tap 50 times. (Releases hormones from endocrine system.) 

About me.
It has been a driving force of mine to be able to start a health food store for the last 15 years or so to help people. I wanted to make health more affordable and to be able to help people looking for natural answers to their problems. We certainly don't know everything, especially given the fact that everybodies body is different so what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. The most that we can hope for is to make as many options as we can available so that you can heal your own body. No body can know what is happening to you like you. We all need to learn to listen to our bodies! 

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